02 The Abduction

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Morning arrived earlier than y/n had anticipated and she had fallen asleep on her desk. The reasonable news is that she got three hours of sleep. Stretching from the chair, she strode to her bathroom, dismissing the loud blaring from upstairs. Some women in their twenties, a self-proclaimed musician had moved upstairs a week ago, and y/n had forgotten how many times she had to yell at her to lessen the disturbance.

The clock struck ten as she ascended down the last of the stairs and scrambled to her cycle. The old lesbian couples downstairs greeted her with a smile and y/n returned the gesture. It honestly surprised y/n how long they have been together, surviving in a society that only knew to judge and criticize. Her apartment complex was full of these kinds of adults, distinct and unusual yet mere human beings.

Before she could unfasten her bicycle a horn blared behind her, and she swiveled around to meet a grinning Jae-ik inside his car. Y/n rolled her eyes, dropping her lock key to her jacket and walking towards the detective's car. "I see you finally got it out of the workshop" She stated, opening the door and gliding inside. Jae-ik smiled proudly before leaning in and pulling down her seatbelt. However before he clipped it in, the seatbelt slips out of his hand, barely missing y/n's face. Jae-ik averts his gaze from outside back to the high schooler.

"I- sorry, are you hurt?" Without answering his question y/n looks out and sees the lesbian couple staring at the two with twisted smiles and y/n knew trusting adults was a wrong move. "So those two are the ones spreading all these shitty rumors" Y/n mumbles and begins to unlock the door, wanting to punch the old couple straight in their jaws. Jae-ik knew the girl does before thinking, so he swiftly locks the door and pulls the girl down, strapping her inside the seatbelt. "Nope, you're not getting yourself kicked out of the apartment" he stated before driving off.

"Just because they are old and gay they can't just talk shit about people! Come on! They call you a pedo!" Jae-ik chokes on air at that, but still kept driving clearing his throat. "It's alright as long as we don't question it. If it gets out of hand, I'll deal with it and-and stop using the word pedo!" The girl huffed in her seat, crossing her arms as the older sighed.

No one can rewrite a corrupted community when the preponderance of its civilians are arseholes. Y/n and Jae-ik are sheer fatalities of it, of preys who hunt down naive friendships. "Drop me off at the post office, I'll walk from there" She started after moments of stillness and Jae-ik nodded. "What for?" But he couldn't help but ask.

"My refill ammo came in, I ran out of it in my studio"

Though the girl knew it might be worth detention to bring her gun and two sets of ammo to her school, she forecasted no one would randomly dig through her duffle bag. As she sauntered inside the school hallway, the biology assignment in hand, she noticed the place was entirely vacant. The class bell had already rung and Cheong-san's words echoed in her head. She was late, again. Moaning in exhaustion, she moved upstairs and towards the science lab. Meters away from the room, she heard a loud cling and looked down at her bicycle key. "Seriously?" Y/n timidly bend down but hesitated when she saw a pair of feet in front of her.

Before she could look up, the person kicked away her key and walked off. "Motherfucker" The girl shuffled to her feet and turned back, watching a girl student stumble around like she's drunk. "Is that bitch high on crack or something?" The short-haired girl huffed, moving to the science lab and entering. "Mr.Lee?" But the girl was greeted with silence. "Uh-hu Mr.Lee? Are you here?"

Before she knew it, y/n was inside the supply room, looking around the messy place. As she walked further, she noticed an empty medicine vial and a vacant syringe. "What the?" She took the vial with a piece of paper, reading the name of it as 'benzodiazepine', and frowned at that. "Who used-" She cut herself when she turned around, seeing the patch of blood on the floor and it was smudged as if someone was here when the blood was on them or from them. "Wrong timing?" She mumbled and crouched down, taking note of the distinctive footprint on the blood and it lead to the door, then a few broken wires strapped to the wall. "Someone struggled here, signs of being hurt, but most likely by themselves. So the benzodiazepine was used on the hostage! But why benzos?"

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