18 The Reunions

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[I'm sorryyyy T_T, I've been missing for almost a year, I know. But I'm not gonna use my mental health as an excuse, because I'm getting better, so I'll try my best to finish this book, for my patient readers. Lub ya'll!]

"Mom?" Cheong-san's mother did not have her expected smile or the welcoming glimmer in her eyes, instead, they twinkled in pleasure at the sight of alive human and running blood. "There's another zombie here!" Dae-Su exclaims as he jumps off the truck, pacing to the woman and kicking her to the floor, stomping on her relentlessly. "You son of a bitch!" Cheong-san yells loudly and moves forward and punches Dae-Su, while Joon-yeong comes around the corner to hit the lady on the floor.

"Cheong-san what the hell?!" Dae-su yelped in surprise when the shorter boy proceeded to beat him again. Wu-jin and Su-Hyeok quickly jumped in and grabbed ahold of the Cheong-san, who was crying out in agony, watching Joon-Yeong and Dae-su beat up the infected female. "Get the hell off me! Mom!"

The group visibly halts in shock after hearing his call. Cheong-san wails in Wu-Jin's arms as his mother crawled on the ground reaching out to bite Dae-Su. "Let's go" Someone states, noticing the situation had drawn a couple of zombies closer. "Cheong-san pull yourself together man!" Su-Hyeok shouts as he pulls him from Wu-Jin.

Y/n sighs quietly from beside the truck, helping Hyo-ryeong jump over. She soon makes her way to the four boys and swings her arm, slapping Cheong-san. Cheong-san gasped in pain as her palm met his cheek, the sound muffled through the rain.

"I get that she's your mother and I have eaten from from her hands too. But after killing all those kids out there, injuring Gwi-nam, and slaughtering our peers, you have absolutely no fucking right to show mercy now. Look around you, all of our friends saved your ass instead of using their time to save themselves. So don't go around wasting it for them by stopping here. Move, now" Y/n did not wait for an answer, pushing past Su-Hyeok and Cheong-san while motioning the rest to move.

"You know she didn't mean it-" Cheong-san smacks Su-Hyeok's hand off when he spoke up and follows after the shorter girl. "She's right. Let's go" Wu-Jin and Su-Hyeok share a glance, sighing as they catch up to the group, pairing up and jogging to their destination again.

The rain continued its pour down, creating mud puddles and sloppy ground, making it harder for the teenagers to run. Ji-Min and Hyeo-ryeong were at the end of the line as Y/n sped off after 'scolding' Cheong-san. However, she stayed with Wu-Jin and Joon-Yeong. "Where are the others?" Joon-Yeong soon asks as he looks back, unable to see the mentioned girls. Y/n groaned in realization, regretting not objecting to the duo when they set off from the rooftop.

"Joon-Yeong, go with Dae-su. wu and I will go find them" Y/n says as she grabs Wu-Jin's hand and the two friends run back the path they came from. A few feet back to the way they strolled, they see Hyo-ryeong laying on the muddy ground, trying to get up with some zombies waddling towards her.

"Hyo-ryeong! Get up" Wu-Jin helps the poor girl up as she cried in fear. Y/n moves forward as an infected already reached them, grabbing ahold of the zombie's hair, she bends the un-dead down and beats its head on her knee. Cold blood flowed down on her leg as the infected fell to the floor, but a lot more come out of the dark as a backup. "Shit-"

A short wisp of air is heard before a zombie falls to the floor and another soon after. Wu-Jin and Y/n smile at each other as Ha-ri runs to them with her arrow and bow. "I knew it!"

"Sis!" However she simply nodded and pushed her brother and his best friend forward. "You guys, run now!" The four immediately resume their escape plan, slowly but gradually catching up with the others. Soon the group of teens reached the auditorium, but Nam-ra stops them from going further. "What's wrong, Nam-ra?"

"Run. Run away!" She exclaims as soon as lightning strikes outside, revealing the horde of zombies inside the dark building. "Run! Go!" The group screams in fear, rushing inside an equipment storage room. However, one of Ha-ri's companions, Joon-Seong, was injured and was being carried by them. Unable to pull him inside the storage room, he had to be let go, to be eaten. "Joon-Seong!" The short-haired girl, Mi-Jin cried out for the boy as she tried to run after him, only to be pulled back inside the room. The others could only watch in sadness as she cried.

Moments later, with everyone calmed down after the escape, Dae-su stands in front of Cheong-san. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was your mother. I'm sorry" He sobbed as he apologizes, loud enough to keep everyone awake.

Tired of the whole days ordeal, the group of teen finally settle down in exhaustion. Light rain pours outside as thunder and lightning remained, occasionally lighting up the dark storage room. Y/n sat on the floor next to Wu-Jin, wide awake as the boy's head rested on her shoulder, their hands intervened. "You okay?" Wu-Jin asks quietly, using his free hand to pluck out the dust and lint from Y/n's clothes.

Y/n sighs to herself and closes her eyes as she spoke softly. "I'm not" Wu-Jin soon pulled Y/n close by her waist, hugging her and kissing the crook of her neck. "It's okay, we'll all be fine soon, just a little more" The taller boy spoke gently as he held her close, awaiting the next morning to move forward. "We'll be okay"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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