Chapter 31: Tangled

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Jimin peeled open his eyes to the familiar feeling of sea winds and sand crusted against his face. Groaning low in his throat, he saw sunlight peering down from the clouds, heavy and dark with a warning of rain. The smell mixed with kelp was a familiar one, warming his insides as he bit back a smile.

This was a day his mother would love. The way the sky would darken, the air would be dancing across with excitement as the wind brushed the trees before the sky would crack open and cry it's tears to refresh the land. His mother use to say to never fear the storms since they brought new beginnings.

A smile touched his lips, remembering her words as he moved to snuggle back into the warmth at his back when he felt arms tighten. He froze, eyes widening as he looked down.

Jeongguk's arms were still around his waist, locking him against a well sculpted chest that reminded Jimin of statues that he had seen in the Kingdom of Seoul. Flushing, Jimin wiggled, attempting to wiggle his way out. A groan erupted from the sleeping prince.

Jimin went still, holding his breath as he carefully looked back towards Jeongguk's face, noticing the light puffs of air and the soft black ink cascading across his forehead. Breathing out slowly, Jimin wiggled again. Jeongguk only groaned once more before rolling over and snuggled back into his arms.

Giggling, Jimin stood and stretched out his limbs before glancing around.

Namjoon and Seokjin seemed to be down by the ocean shore, standing near the ways and their bodies clothed again, but feet seemed to remain bare. Taehyung, Yoongi, and Hoseok were still deep in the throes of their slumber to match with Jeongguk.

Treading lightly, he weaved his way through the mess of tangled limbs before marching his way through the sand, dressing quickly, to stand by Seokjin and Namjoon's side. The purple hair Dracki glanced down at him, a dimpled smile touching his features while Seokjin beamed.

"Morning, Jiminie-ah," Seokjin greeted.

"Good morning." Jimin looked towards the ground where three large fish were laying, being dried out in the sun. His eyes widened at the smooth scaled fish before looking back towards Namjoon. "Did you catch these?"

"Not much of a swimmer," Namjoon replied, shaking his head. Jimin flushed, remembering the fact that Namjoon was Wyvern, a two legged dragon, and usually did poorly in water. Their bodies were not meant for water in any way. "I only managed to catch them by chance. I was bored this morning so stood in the shallows with a old cloth knapsack."

Jimin blinked in surprise before breaking out into a large smile, eyes turning into small crescents. "That's amazing, hyung! You grabbed us breakfast." Seokjin chuckled before nodding his head, kneeling beside the fish and prodding gently at the skin.

"Yes. Why don't you go over and start waking the others? I'm going to start cooking the fish and if some of the Dracki want it raw, they better hurry before I heat them all,"Seokjin warned, brown eyes dancing playfully as he casted his smirk in his direction.

Turning on bare feet, Jimin nodded. "Sure hyung. Then I am going to look for fresh water or something to wash up. I feel like salt is caught between my scales." Namjoon laughed lightly, agreeing with the sentiments as Jimin scurried off to rejoin the sleeping beauties.

Overlooking Jeongguk's sleeping face, Jimin didn't have the heart to wake him first so instead he looked over to Taehyung, carefully bending next to him and nudging him. Taehyung was still sprawled across Jeongguk's legs, snuggled happily.

His heart ached a moment when he remembered yesterday and what was exchanged, but then smiled when he remembered what happened after. Seeing Taehyung smile in play and splash around with his brother and his clan.

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