Chapter 37: Agelings

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Instead of stepping into a cave made of glistening stone walls, the air in front of him shimmered like the gems lining the walls of Seoul. The air turned sweeter, the sweet scent of flowers and lavender tickling his nose as the cave was actually a large open space..

Jeongguk wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't this. The area was like a watering hole, wooden stands set up as people, or not really people, milled around with crystal glasses filled with a weird liquid sloshing inside.

The watering hole was of the same aquamarine water, gleaming in what looked to be eternal sunlight. It wasn't too hot, nor was it too cold, and the sky was a odd shimmering golden that looked like a veil.

Some lingered within the water, others were resting along the rocks, and even more wandering around, some dancing to the sound of a ethereal lullaby sung by a blue skinned female wearing a white, thin dress that did little to cover her body.

The feeling of magic was like pressure against his skin- there was nothing human made in this world, and it seemed small, but really it was rather large. At least two miles of open fields of billowing grass, the watering hole, and even some forestry that screamed it was created by something inhuman.

Some of the creatures were stunning, as angelic in their beauty as the Dracki, while others a bit more grotesque in their appearance. Some had a human shape, while others held no human form at all, but looked like creatures of Old.

Namjoon pulled down his hood, purple hair seeming to burn a bit brighter, his features and his skin seeming to glimmer more within the magic as he straightened, shoulders pulling back with confidence that Jeongguk had never seen from the older.

Seokjin lingered behind him, glancing towards the others who stared in shock. "Humans, keep your hoods up. Don't draw attention to yourselves. Dracki, feel free to grab some of the food here. It may help heal you."

Yoongi licked his lips, eyes darting from one place to another as he lowered his hood, his white hair seeming brighter than ever as his blue eyes glittered. It was like the magic of the realm brought his own, creating a halo of soft light from him as he stepped forward.

Hoseok ducked his head, hiding a bit further behind as Jimin lowered his own hood, black hair turning a shade darker, silver eyes like full moons as he followed after Yoongi. Jeongguk glanced over towards Taehyung, who stepped back, unease and wonder clear across his face.

"Hyung, follow after me," he whispered. The Sprite nodded quickly, his glowing silver hair clear under the hood as he darted to Jeongguk's side. Seokjin had pulled down his hood, his eyes raking over the creatures who eyed him with disgust but made no move to do anything as Namjoon approached one of the human looking males.

"RM. What a surprise," he spoke, his voice a weird sound of bells and lashes. Namjoon gave a toothless smile, golden eyes a bit hard as he stood in front of a orange skinned male. His ears were sharply pointed, his canines longer and his nails a solid black.

His skin was a odd orange, hair a inky black that was cut short and revealed his pointed ears. His eyes were unnatural, a milky white that didn't seem like he could see, but the knowledge and malice was enough to say otherwise.

A orange tipped tail was flickering behind him, pointed at the end with a nasty barb. His milky eyes raked over Namjoon, Seokjin stepping next to him as the Elf looked between the two, sipping a bit at the golden liquid.

"I thought I smelled foul Agelings," he commented drily, eyes narrowing on the human next to him. Seokjin offered a sickly sweet smile, not seeming bothered by the slander as he settled next to Namjoon. "Why did you bring your pet, RM? I am sure the Phoenix will want a taste."

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