Chapter 33: Wings

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"How far are we able to fly from here to the Daejeon?" Yoongi asked as they approached the sea. Namjoon glanced behind him and brushed a lock his hair from his eyes as he gave a sad smile.

"Not far at all. Fifty miles tops. The problem is the only real route to get it is herded by Raiders, Hustlers, and Mercenaries," Namjoon explained. "If they were to discover a Dracki, they would be tracking us. We have to go on foot."

"Are you saying the route we are going on is one of those back roads?" Hoseok questioned. Namjoon nodded his head briskly.

"Yes. No normal travelers go on this road. It's run by everything but and they are cruel. They make few trades along the way, a few places to rest along the path as well, but keep on your toes. They find out about us and we are meat."

"Comforting," Yoongi snarked. Namjoon bit back a smile at the cool answer and brushed another hand through his purple hair. "Why is this the only way?"

"Because Daejeon is the biggest Hustler spot. It's this highway for all illegal trade routes in Korea. With our group, we have to remain hidden," Namjoon claifred, gesturing towards Jeongguk with raised brows. "Besides, with Busan right now also on our trail I rather we be safe. I am sure with what happened, they informed Seoul of Jeongguk's presence here."

"So you choose Hustlers?" Jimin replied wearily. The idea of being surrounded by that many was causing his stomach to clench and body to shake but he had to admit- right now seemed a bit tense with too many Kingdoms on the hunt.

"The likelihood of running into Hustlers on this route is less likely than running into Guards or Hunters for Jeongguk's head. We need to move and move fast. Do you trust me?" Namjoon asked, looking between each of their faces with lips together.

Jeongguk smiled, already knowing that Namjoon was thinking in the right way. No matter what path they took, it was going to be dangerous, and Namjoon hadn't failed them yet. He thought things through, was calcutive and careful.

This was going to work.

"I trust you, hyung. Let's do this," he said, smiling. Namjoon smiled back before the others all nodded their heads in agreement. Namjoon breathed out in relief before nodding his head.

"Alright, let's move out. Remember- fifty miles north, than land behind the mountain range so we can climb down and begin our descent," Namjoon called out before he stepped back and morphed into his Dracki form.

Jeongguk could only watch in amazement as Yoongi took Hoseok's hand, kissing it gently before he smiled towards the other who was grinning with pink dusting his cheeks. Smiling back, the other stepped back and joined Namjoon.

Jimin, feeling playful, nudged Jeongguk and flashed his crescent eyed smile as he tilted his head. Smiling down to the other, he watched as his black scales appeared moments before his body swelled to join the others.

Fanning out his wings, Jimin bounded over to Yoongi and landed across his back as he made a noise in the back of his throat. Yoongi raised his head and playfully bit back as Seokjin laughed and shook his head.

Before he could say anything though, Seokjin approached Jeongguk and smiled. "So, Hobi-ah told me that you were new to being a Knight, so I thought I would offer you a quick lesson on a easier way to ride."

"Really? That would be great since the last time during a fight in the air, it was a really hard struggle and sometimes I feel like I am slipping off his back or causing discomfort." Jeongguk flushed, feeling a sheepish, but he did want to learn. He was never really trained to ride a Dracki- a horse was one thing but a Dracki was another.

Seokjin smiled. "I wouldn't mind helping at all." Jimin let out a little noise before he leaped into the air, Yoongi trailing right after him. He reached out and grabbed Jimin's tail, who playfully snapped his jaws before they climbed higher in the air.

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