Chapter 47: Lost

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Jimin felt like he had been punched in the gut. His eyes widened in shock while he felt the Bond straind from Jeongguk to him. The time that they felt that they had to get to the Divnis was ripped out from under their feet, sending them spiraling.

Glancing over at Jeongguk, he caught his eyes and saw the panic, the determination, but mostly he saw the fear. His heart ached because he wanted nothing more than to kiss away that look, to curl up in his arms and pretend that they could go off and be whatever they were meant to be.

He wanted to continue to help Jeongguk accept him, to be able to do more than what they have already, but instead he was being pressured to save a world that he wasn't sure there was an solution to, or a desire.

Instantly, Jeongguk shifted closer to Jimin, slipping his hand into his own and pulling him closer so that his back was pressed against his chest. The Dracki didn't mind, soaking up the warmth of the other as Yoongi's face morphed into surprise and his own panic.


"Thailand has lost all magic, and the Dracki are getting sick from the lack of magic in the air and dying off. I am one of the last to make it out," Lisa continued, a sad smile gracing her features as she looked up, blinking away tears. "I have come to petition for help or find shelter since there are not many places left. Only Korea and America have the strongest magic."

Yoongi glanced over, meeting Jimin's eyes with a strong burn in his icy eyes. Licking his lips, hand nervously runing through his hair, he understood the panic that was rumbling in his gaze. Even Hoseok looked a little pale, eyes darting around helplessly.

"You should come with us. My clan and I are working to find the Divinis and we are here for the Elders themselves. Please, come meet with our leader," Yoongi asked, blue eyes gleaming with worry. Lisa pressed her lips together, Jisoo grabbing the back of her neck and messaging gently.

"Yes, we shall come to speak with your leader and share our knowledge." Jisoo offered a little smile in Yoongi's direction before looking back towards Jimin and Jeongguk, bowing her head. "Please, lead the way."

Turning on their heel, Jeongguk tightened his hold around Jimin's hand as his mind started racing while Yoongi lead the way back towards Seokjin and Namjoon. The walk was quiet, the atmosphere silent and heavy like fog. No one was sure what to say, but the understanding was lingering.

Jeongguk was gritting his teeth, hands clammy with nerves and the desire to just know the answers already. He was terrified. Over and over in his mind, he kept seeing Jimin getting sick, wasting away, and leaving him. Or the beautiful magic that he had come to love, the last thing he had of Taehyung, disappearing forever.

It caused his chest to constrict and his heart to ache like a heavy rock within his rib cage. Jimin, sensing the pain and attempting to read his chaotic thoughts, squeezed his hand back. Jeongguk looked over. Tears pooled in his eyes as he met silver orbs.

"Hyung... what if... what if we are too late?"

"We aren't," Jimin promised, and for a moment, he was itching to curl himself against his Knight, to kiss him like he did earlier, but he restrained himself. "We can still do this, Gukkie-ah. We can still save the magic. Save Korea."

Jeongguk stopped walking, turning so that Jimin was suddenly flush against him, his head tilted back in surprise and mouth parted in surprise as Jeongguk tore at the shirt that was tucked into his breeches.

Gasping at the feeling of his hands touching his bare sides, his mouth suddenly on his own, Jimin melted into the rougher kiss. There was no hesitation in this kiss, no fear, just desire to feel warm and loved along with a desperation. A lingering promise.

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