Meeting The Killer

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What the hell was I thinking? You thought, clambering out of your car. You stood in front of the shut up building, Fazbear's Fright. Am I really going to do this? You had no idea what you were thinking but you were here now. You had driven an hour to get here, can't turn back now... Right?

You had heard about this horror attraction from a friend at work. Jen and a couple of friends went already and came back looking thoroughly horrified. "No one is to go back there." Jen said, her eyes misted over as she spoke to you. You snorted. "What? Why not?" You retorted, ignoring her warning. "Please, I'm a big girl! I can handle myself." "No, you don't understand! Kelsey is gone! She died there!" Your friend cried, grabbing your wrist and holding you back. "Don't touch me." You said, more out of shock rather than anger. She let go of your wrist, tears starting to drip down her cheeks, mascara running. "What do you mean, Kelsey is dead?" You asked, turning to face her fully. "Something got her! Police ruled it out as suicide."

Something wasn't adding up. Kelsey would never do that. She was depressed, yeah... But she told you personally that she could never do that to her parents. "What?" You said, looking Jen in the eyes, narrowing your own. "She died there, they took her away, she's gone, Y/N!"

Now that you were here, you were now a little scared. The place gave off an eerie vibe and it certainly didn't do the building any justice seeing the dying street lamp flicker and give up just as you opened the unlocked door. Why was it unlocked...? If the place was really abandoned, why was it unlocked? It was strange.

As soon as you opened the door, the smell of decay and death washed over you, burning your nostrils. It should have been the first clue that you were not welcome here. You took out a flashlight and pressed the button to light it up.

Broken glass, parts of robots and animatronics were strewn everywhere across the floor. You gagged at the sight of a dead rat lying in the middle of the floor, its body seemingly broken, or even crushed.... Strange. . . . What could have done this? You leaned over and touched it with a piece of metal near you. "Poor thing..." You said softly.

You turned around and slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle your shriek of surprise.Your first encounter with a real animatronic. A huge rabbit creature was sitting near you as you swept around the room with your light. He was in sorry condition, and you felt a wave of sympathy wash over you. His fur was matted and covered in mold, and.... Blood..?

He was sitting in a corner, lifeless. Curious, you approached him slowly, having previously heard the horror stories of animatronics coming to life and killing people. And the story you had heard from your friend... But those were just stories! Made up, not real. They couldn't be...

Hands shaking from either fear or excitement, you reached out and touched his soft ear with your finger.

He didn't move when you touched his ear, your hand still shaking. You felt a little more relaxed thinking he was a mere robot. You turned around to get your phone from your bag to take a picture.

Bad idea.

When you turned back, he was towering over you, eyes glowing. How could something so big move so quietly?! 

You screamed and fell back onto the dirty ground, backing away from him. You threw your phone at him, thinking it would deter him. Your phone bounced off his broad chest and slid across the floor in front of him and his heavy foot crushed it within seconds. He looked up at you, snarling. You slowly raised your hands to show you were not a threat. He hissed softly and spoke, his deep, accented voice rumbling through the small hallway.

"You must have a death wish coming here, child."

Your body froze and you trembled as you dared to stand up. "N-No, sir. I was exploring and I didn't mean to bother you, I can leave if you want me to-" You were cut off by the large bunny grabbing your wrist and yanking you closer to him. His eyes narrowed dangerously.

"I'm afraid now that you're here, you cannot leave." He said, with a twisted smile. You gulped, not knowing if he was joking or not. "I-I don't understand. . ." You said. He grinned again. "Are you keeping me here?" He cackled, throwing his head back, his laughter rang through the halls, leaving chills running down your spine.

"Oh, dear child. No, I'm not keeping you here. But you ignored the warning of your friends. . They told you if you came here, you may never leave. Alive. . ." Your blood went cold. How did he know that? His hand was still tightly wrapped around your wrist, and it was beginning to hurt. What did he mean? Was he going to kill you?

He growled and brought you closer to his face. He was a lot more intimidating now that you were able to see him more through the dark. His once soft fur was now matted and knotted, covered in moth holes. Dried blood and mold was scattered across his body and the metal underneath was starting to wear away. His face was what scared you the most.

Glowing eyes were staring back at you, silver colored and... Human like. 

Blood was caked on his once soft fur, and metal was starting to rot away, exposing the base of the suit. You swore you could see a skeleton underneath... You peered a little more into it, but the robot snarled at you and grabbed your other hand, pressing you against the wall, using his knee to keep you there.

"I thought by killing one of the others that came here would get my warning across... She strayed too far off from her pack." He spat out the word "pack." Your eyes widened. "You... Killed Kelsey?" You croaked out. He stared at you, laughing after a moment. "Is that what her name was? Puny little thing. Didn't even fight back." He sounded triumphant in his success of murdering her. Your blood went from chilled to boiling. "She didn't commit suicide then!" You shrieked, pounding on his chest with your fists, starting to cry. Yet another mistake. This only amused him, and he pressed his knee against your stomach, trapping you between him and the wall. You looked at him with terror, seeing him smirk. "Brat."

His Flower (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now