The Nightmare Begins

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It was completely dark and quiet. Silence was all around you. It was peaceful. A cloud of purple smoke surrounded you, it was soft and gentle, relaxing you... You breathed it in, inhaling the soft lavender scent. It was cool to the touch, airy and light. It soothed you. You looked around for the source and turned to see Springtrap. You screamed and fell to the ground, holding your hands up to your face to protect yourself if he decided to attack. You waited for the finishing blow but it never came. He stood next to you, staring down. Smoke was billowing out of his mouth and his eyes were narrowed. He held out a paw to you, and shakily, you took it. He pulled you up and stood back for a moment. "W-Where are you..?" You whispered. He did not respond, but more smoke billowed out of him, through his nose and mouth. You breathed it in, taking comfort in the feel and effects it left. Springtrap walked away from you, the smoke leaving. "W-Wait!" You cried, running after him. Springtrap did not stop walking. You reached out to him and grabbed for him, feeling his rough and coarse fur. He looked down at you and grabbed your chin in his paw and lowered himself to make eye contact. His eyes went from being purple to circles of purple, all different shades. He was hypnotizing you. You stared into his gaze, melting under his touch. He leaned forward even further, and you found yourself doing the same. You couldn't stop.... And then he yanked himself away from you. You whined and chased after him again, finding yourself craving his hypnosis. "N-No, please! I need it!" You begged, clinging to his arm. He shook you off and pointed to a window. You gasped and went to the window, touching it. It rippled. You drew your hand back sharply and gasped. There, on a table, lay Springtrap. He was unconscious and covered in various wounds. Doctors and nurses were milling all around him, you couldn't see his face. He was barely breathing, hooked up to machines of all kinds. He was tethered to the table he was lying on. You gave a cry of horror and banged on the window, trying to break through, but it was no use. The surface trembled, rippling like water. You jerked your fists back, and tried again. Springtrap put his huge paw on your shoulder. "Wake up." He said. You woke with a scream and blinded by lights all around. "Whoa! Calm down, Y/N!" A familiar voice said. You blinked wearily and looked over to your left side and saw your friend, Lavender sitting in a chair next to you. "Lav! I have to get to him! I need it- I need it, I need more! You don't understand!" You weakly scrambled up and promptly fell to the floor, face first. "Where is he?" You demanded, looking up at Lavender, eyes wide. She stared back, confused. "Y/N, what you talking about? Where is who?" Your face turned red with anger. "Springtrap!" The second the name left your mouth, the entire room went quiet. Lavender's face went white when you spoke. "... What?" You said slowly, questioning her white face. She didn't answer. "Lavender, what is it?" You got up and brushed yourself off, finding yourself covered in various IVs. "He's being put to death." Came another voice. You whipped around and saw a doctor in a long white coat with a clipboard and glasses. Alex. Read the name tag. Your blood ran cold. "No..." You whispered, and all of a sudden you passed out again.

You were back in the dreamscape. Your blood ran to ice. Springtrap was here. You could feel him... "Back again, pet?" His voice echoed in the liminal space, and you shivered. "Why did you do it?" You asked, voice trembling. He ignored your question, instead grabbing your chin in his paw, tilting it up. "Remember this. I won't repeat myself again. The address I am located at is Bermount Lane, Beaumont, Texas. The zip code is 69701." He growled, looking into your eyes, hypnotizing you again. You leaned into his touch, whimpering. You needed him, his touch, his scent. "Why...?" You mumbled. Again, he ignored you. "3020 Burwell Heights..." You mumbled. "I will find you..."


Springtrap slowly opened his eyes, blinking away the drugged feeling he was having. "... You... Where.. Am I..?" He growled at a nurse nearby. She jumped and gasped, waving her arms like a fly. "It's awake! It's awake! Help! I'm alone with this thing!" That was her first mistake. "Excuse you, but I have a name." He snapped. She whipped around, surprised he was being so nice. It made him sick to be nice. Eugh. "What's.. Your name?" She asked. "Springtrap. Remember it. It will come in handy later when I'm ripping your flesh." He growled, narrowing his eyes. Her face drained of all color. "Excuse me?" She asked, trying to sound brave. "You're not fooling anyone. You know that as soon as I break these chains it will be over for everyone in this room. Everyone here. So go ahead and scream for help while you can. You won't be able to after I'm done with you. I'll make you the last.... Make you watch everyone you care about die before you. See their blood, innards, bones... You can't stop it and you know it." She was shaking and crying now, having backed herself into a corner. "N-No! You're just trying to scare me! You're trying to get in my head!" She cried. "Maybe I am. You'll never know. What is your name?" She didn't answer him. "Answer me, woman!" He spat. "D-D-Dr. Shelby Gaiter..!" She choked out. "Listen to me well, Miss Shelby. Untie me now, and I shall spare your life. Do as I say and you will live. Your coworkers...? Not so lucky. This is a rare chance you are being shown mercy. I do not show mercy. I do not give mercy. Take this chance. Make up your mind. You have 3 seconds before I break the bonds myself." It was impressive of how much danger she gathered she was in. Shelby, shakily, untied the beast before her. He dove into her mind and growled deeply at the sight of her children supposed husband. "Good girl. Now step aside." She did as he said and he bunched his muscles and jumped off the table, ripping the wires off of his body and shaking himself off. He eyed her quietly, the purple glow in his eyes giving off an otherworldly glow. Shelby trembled and whimpered in her corner she was hiding in. Springtrap ignored her completely and looked around at various tools and weapons. He shrugged and slid his claws out, looking at the locks on the door. "Open it." He said to Shelby. She trembled. "I can't!" She cried. "Why not? Too afraid?" He mocked. She shook her head. "No, I don't have clearance!" Springtrap snorted and slid his claws out, slashing at the locks. Sparks flew and the door collapsed to the ground, sliced in pieces. Screams ensued, chaos spread, shots were fired. Springtrap got down on all fours and pounced at the people milling around, snarling. He pounded on a male scientist, stretching his claws as far as they would go, puncturing the skin around his eyes. The man screamed and screamed, but his throat was ripped out. He slumped down on the floor, groaning. Springtrap left him on the ground, and moved onto the next person. From there, the bloodbath ensued. . . .

His Flower (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now