Be Careful What You Wish For

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Luna's eyes widened. "Y-Y-You're real...!" She whispered. "I knew it! I knew it, I was right! We came here, we were supposed to see you!" Springtrap sneered at her. "Yeah, well I saw you. I killed your little friend, too. You should have gotten the hint after that." Luna looked at him, suspiciously. "What do you mean...?" Springtrap snorted. "You know very well what I mean. I've been picking you off all one by one. Why can't I get any peace?! Have I not suffered enough?" He roared, jaws wide open showing his razor sharp teeth. Luna flinched back, looking nervous. "Where's Y/N, Rabbit?" Dewey asked. Springtrap narrowed his eyes dangerously. "I have a name. It's Springtrap. Don't wear it out." He snapped, and offered them inside. Dewey and Luna stepped inside, Luna trembling. "Now, I have a few rules for you, since you're here.... One of them is don't go poking your nose where it doesn't belong. Understand?" Luna and Dewey nodded. "Good. I would hate to have to break one of my beloved guests....." He sneered. Luna and Dewey shared a look. Dewey grunted and cleared his throat. "And uh, what're the other rules?" He asked. Springtrap grinned widely, his teeth showing once again. "You'll see....."


Inside your small office prison, you paced around, anxious. So many deaths, so little time to take it in. You once again thought of Henry, and how brutal his death was. You were horrified to find yourself giving sympathy to Springtrap, making excuses for him instead of seeing him for the monster he was. You loved him. Suddenly, you whipped around and threw up. "No!" You sobbed through your vomit. "No, I don't love him!" The phantom fox put a hand on your shoulder. "You love the master, don't you?" You sobbed. You didn't want to admit it, you never wanted any of this. "I never asked for any of this!" You cried, wiping your mouth off. "I didn't ask to be kidnapped, I never asked for any of this..." You kept repeating yourself. The fox stared down at you, unblinking. "The master will treat you well." You whipped around glared at him. "I don't want him to treat me well! I just want to go home!" The fox stared at you sadly. "The master will not let you go." You let out a shaky sigh. "I know." You said quietly. "Why is he so intent on keeping me here? What's so special about me?" The fox looked away. It slowly sank in. "Oh no... No no no..." You got up and backed away. "The master will treat you well as long as you behave." You glared at the fox and sat down in a corner and began to cry.


An hour of uncomfortable silence passed between Luna, Dewey and Springtrap. Springtrap was now standing with Luna and Dewey in a dark hallway. His eyes glowed and he was silent. Dewey shifted uncomfortably. "Where do we start, Springtrap? How do we find Y/N?" Springtrap snorted. "Why don't you go ahead and explore and look for them..?" Dewey looked at the beast in suspicion. "... Very well. Come on, Luna." Luna looked at Springtrap as she walked past him, trembling. Springtrap chuckled deeply and bared his teeth at her, growling. Luna yelped and skittered off. Springtrap watched her run off and grunted. He disappeared into the shadows. He slowly made his way to you, slipping into the small space through the vents. You shrieked and he let out a warning growl. You shrank back and fell silent. "What do you want..?" You asked him. He glared at you and stood up, brushing himself off. "You know what I want." You sighed. "I.. I don't actually." He got closer to you, and lifted your chin up in his paw. His claws grazed your skin, and you shivered. His eyes met yours, his gaze was soft. You sighed softly, moving your eyes away from his. He turned your head to make you look at him. "Look at me." He said quietly. You did as he asked, looking into his deep purple eyes. He snorted softly and let your chin go. CRASH! There was a sudden noise and you whipped around to see the source of the noise. Sheriff Dewey and Luna stood in the doorway. You broke into a smile. "Luna!" You started running towards her but Springtrap stepped in front of you. You looked up at him in confusion. ". . Springtrap. . .?" He growled deeply and glared at the two in the doorway. "We did as you asked. Now give us Y/N." Dewey said. Springtrap grinned widely. "Ah. But you forget... Your prize is not Y/N. It is something else." Dewey looked at him warily. Luna shifted her feet.

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