The Trial

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Your car squeaked as you pulled into the parking lot and stepped out, the wind blowing through your hair. You shivered. Why did Springtrap need all of this? Was he planning on doing some messed up shit with you? Was he going to hurt you if you gave it to him? You were to scared to deny his requests, and far to scared to not bring it to him. Quickly gathering the items and gas cans from the back, you turned and with your back facing, kicked the door three times to knock. It was loud and you winced, hoping to not bring attention to yourself. You waited only a few moments before a hand larger than life grabbed you by the back of the neck and yanked you in. Having no time to scream or even react, your instincts kicked in after a moment of being dragged and you turned your head round and chomped down hard on the hand holding you captive. "Fuck!" Came the immediate reply. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. That was a bad move. You should have known it was only Springtrap. You were in for it now. "What the hell was that for?" He snapped, dropping you on the cold ground with your arms still full of gas cans and bags. "I'm sorry! I panicked!" You started. He rolled his eyes and took the bags from you and set them on the table behind you. He reached down, but you held onto the gas cans. "Hey, no! Before you take these, I want you to pay me back." You said, feeling brave. He stopped mid bend, and narrowed his eyes slowly. You felt very small, very, very small. You squeaked and squeezed your eyes shut as he resumed his grabbing. "Okay." He grunted, and started snooping in the bags, ripping them in half, the contents spilling everywhere. You stayed like you were for a few moments, but had not registered what he said in your fear. "D-D-Did you hear me? I want you to pay me back... Please. Gas is high these days. I have to b-" "And I said okay. Did you not hear me?" He sounded amused. "... I.. I guess I didn't. ..Thank you." You said slowly, going next to him and placing your hands on the dust covered table. "What do you need all this for, anyways?" You asked. He ignored you. "We leave at sunset. You up for a car ride?" He said, turning to you. You gulped. "W-What? Car ride, where are we going? I can't take you in my car, people will see you! I thought you couldn't leave...."


Springtrap POV

Springtrap stared down at you, putting one hand on his hip and the other on the table. It creaked under his weight. He moved it to the wall instead, rolling his eyes slightly as you went on, and he tuned you out. He was deep in thought, thinking about his plan. But his mind wandered to you instead. You were so stupid. Willing to do anything he told you without question. Boy. How did you ever survive this long? He grunted to show he was listening and let his eyes wander. Your hair was ruffled slightly and your eyes were tired, despite the spark in them as you lectured him. He crossed one foot and yawned. By some kind of miracle, you didn't see what was inside. You were still going, waving your arms and dancing around... Or something. Springtrap decided to tune you in again, out of curiosity.
"... People could catch you on camera and upload you to Tik Tok or YouTube or any social media platform, you can't just waltz around like no one will see you! Are you even listening to me?!' He stared down at you. "Well?" You waited. "What's a ticktock?"


"Oh my god, Springtrap! I give you this whole ass lecture and all these reasons why you shouldn't and can't go out and all you say is what's a Tik Tok? I don't have time for this! Where do you even need to go that is so important?" He leaned down, joints and metal creaking. "Somewhere that I need your assistance. I can't do this alone, and it's something private. You're coming with me whether you like it or not. Understand?" Was he serious? He leaned back up, stretching his back and groaning softly before wandering off again. Yep. He was serious. You had learned quickly that when he did not answer questions or just flat out ignored you, it meant not to press any further. You sighed deeply. Looks like you'll be driving around a giant rabbit. "Okay, but if I drive you anywhere, you're sitting in the back. I don't want anyone catching you." He grunted, still wandering. "Be a dear and put all those things in your car, would you?" He said, looking back at you with one eye. You obeyed, as he was not asking. Grumbling under your breath about how lazy he was and how he ordered you around, you gathered your keys and went to the car, leaving the items behind to open the trunk. You wish you had disobeyed him. In front of your car stood a lone police car, with one officer looking stern and grouchy. "C-Can I help you?" You said, trying to keep your cool. He stared you down with his sunglasses hiding his eyes. "Yeah, we got an anonymous call about a break in over here? Would you happen to know anything about that?" He said gruffly. Somehow, you found yourself wishing to be in Springtrap's presence rather than the officer. "... Oh, yeah, um.. Sorry. That was probably my friends." No use in lying. "My friends and I were talking and a couple of them came over here to explore. .... One of my friends died here." You said, your voice dropping. The officer lowered his glasses and looked at you, pity in his eyes. "The Kelsey Case. I'm sorry for your loss, kid." He said, respect in his voice. "Listen, it's dangerous here. You shouldn't be hangin' around." You nodded quickly, trying to end the conversation. He opened his mouth again but quickly whipped his glasses off and stared at the building in horror. "Get in your car!" He yelled, ripping his gun from the pocket on his left hip. "There's somethin' creepin' around the window!" He started walking slowly, still holding his gun in his hand and doing the infamous "police walk with the gun trying to be cool" walk. You gasped, seeing the movement as well. You prayed to whatever god was out there that it wasn't Springtrap. .... Wait. Why were you hoping he was okay? Isn't he the one holding you captive? Why aren't you running to the police begging for help?! Why. . . . BANG! BANG! BANG! The gun sounded off and you covered your ears, whimpering. The officer came back over after a few moments of silence. He had gloves on and was holding a dead possum by the tail. "... Sorry, kid. Was just an animal." He threw the carcass to the woods. "You best get out of here too." He warned. "Do you need an escort?" He asked. You quickly thought of an excuse. "I'm looking into buying this property actually! So I need to talk to my mom about this and stay here, thanks!" You blurted out, somehow keeping calm the whole time. The officer looked a little confused. "You do know the history behind this place, right?" He asked. History? "No, sir. I don't..." You said, slowly. "This place is mighty haunted. It's said countless murders took place here. Kids and adults. Shame, isn't it? Place finally shut down after 1987. They called it "The Bite Of '87. Kid walked up to one of the robots here, got bitten and died 24 hours later. The owner was 'is dad. He was never the same after, name was Afton or something like that." You felt sick. "... That's terrible." You whispered. "Yeah, it's real sad. Well, I best get home to my family. You do the same. And if ya do buy this place? Get a priest or somethin'. I get baddd vibes from that creepy old place. Have a nice night, kid. And good luck."

His Flower (Springtrap x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora