The Lonesome Dead

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Your wound stung, mixed with the dust and dirt that was kicked at you. You quietly sobbed, holding your wound. It was still bleeding and weeping. You stood up and whimpered, looking for Springtrap. He was nowhere to be seen. Good riddance... You thought miserably. Tears still dripped down your cheeks and you whimpered, touching your wound. You were disgusted with yourself. You came back here, you came back to him. Why did you have to come back to him like a dog being called by its master? What kept you coming back to this monster? You had no idea, but you hated it. You heard a huff and whipped around to see the creepy looking chicken staring at you. "... Hi..?" You said, slowly, hoping she would answer. She did not. Instead, she moaned sadly and pointed to.. Springtrap. He was sitting down on the disgusting ground, looking at a picture. He looked almost sad, his facial expressions impossible to read. "Springtrap?" You asked, holding your arm. He glared up at you, standing up and shaking himself off, shedding fur and getting some in your mouth and face. "Oh dude, come on! Again with shaking yourself off!" You snapped, spitting the fur out. It was soft, course, rough and smelled terrible. He growled deeply and grabbed your chin in his paw. "I care not what you think about my fur. This is my home, and I will do what I please in it." He snapped back. You ripped yourself away from him and shot him a look of defiance. "You know the sheriff will be looking for me, right? You can't keep me here forever. I have people in my life who will look for me." He snorted, and laughed. Eerie and quiet, his laughter sent chills down your spine. "No you don't." He said, quietly. "You're only saying that so I'll go easy on you for running away. I thought I made it very clear you belong to me now." Every word made you angrier and angrier. "No you don't! You don't own me! I'm not your fucking pet! I'm a real person, unlike you! You're just some kind of... FREAK!" You regretted the moment it left your lips. His eyes snapped open from their half lidded position, and he stomped towards you, snarling and backing you against the wall once more. "Do you have a death wish or something, pet?" He snarled, baring his teeth again. He was threatening you. "Maybe I do. Maybe death would be better than staying here with a fucking asshole freak like you. I don't even know what you are, or who you are. But here I am, stuck here with a mad man-" "Mad man? Darling, I'm the sanest person you'll meet. As for the freak part, yes. I am a freak. I agree with you. I sold my soul to the devil and he turned me into this monstrosity. You think I wanted this? I wanted to live forever! Like anyone does!" He waved his arms around as he spoke, his claws sliding on and out. You watched him warily. Was he really some kind of sad, little man wanting to live forever? "I'm not a sad little man." He snapped at you. "How did you know that?" You asked, voice shaking. He rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't you like to know." He snapped. He sure was in a bad mood today. "So.. When can I go..?" You asked, with hopes of him giving a date. "When I say you can. You're not leaving until I say, understand?" He stalked off, snapping his fingers, not waiting for your reply. The phantom creatures you saw before immediately went to the doors and began to guard them.

Well shit.


Dewey yawned and stretched. He got up and threw a shirt on, going out the door to knock on yours. "Hey, um.. Y/N? I'm sorry about last night. Can we talk about it over breakfast?" He knocked again and your door swung open slowly. Dewey's heart sank. "Y/N? Hello? It's me, Dewey! I'm comin' in!" His heart raced, fingers shaking as he pulled the sheets back to reveal nothing. You would not have just left without telling him. He ran out to the front desk, quickly getting dressed in his uniform, and showed his badge. "Sheriff Dewey. I have a few questions for you, miss." He said to the man at the front desk. "Yes, sir! How can I help?" The man replied. Dewey showed his key card. "There was a young person with me las' night, did ya see them leave?" He asked hurriedly, anxious to find you. He had a bad feeling about this. "No, I'm sorry sir, I did not. I work the morning shift. You want to speak to Shawna about this. Shawna! Come here!" He yelled over his shoulder. Shawna came up, mumbling and dragging her feet. "Listen here, young lady. I may have a kidnapping on my hands. I need you to tell me if you saw the young person with me last night." Dewey snapped, running out of patience. Shawna shook her head. "No, I didn't see anything last night." She drawled out, taking a sip of her coffee from the cheap Styrofoam cup. Dewey snorted and left the front desk to gather your things and his to go to the car. "Damn hooligan smokin' fucks..." He muttered to himself, angry he had no answers. He was worried about you, and that was what drove his anger. He threw his bag over his shoulder and got your phone off the charger provided by the cheap motel. 3 missed calls from your mother. He walked outside to find the car missing. He stared for a moment then threw his hands above his head. Of course you took the car! He sighed and started walking.

A car slowed down and honked twice. Dewey looked up and gratefully waved, running towards it. "Thank ya kindly!" He said, throwing his bag at his feet while hopping in. A kind young woman looked at him with a smile. "Of course, my name is Luna. I was just on my way to work, and saw you. I know you, actually, you're from our little town." She laughed softly. Dewey felt his heart race. "Well, howdy Miss Luna. Awfully kind of you to pick me up." Luna laughed. "You don't have to keep thanking me, Sheriff." She said. "Hey, I have a question actually... Do you know what happened to a person named Y/N? They went missing a few weeks back, and no one has heard from them since.. I'm really worried. They're a close friend." Dewey felt his blood turn to ice. "I.. I'm actually on a kidnapping case right now for them." Luna slammed on the brakes at the red light, her mouth agape. "You're what?!"

Back at the station, Dewey filled out paperwork on a missing persons case. Yours to be exact. Luna paced nervously, wringing her hands. "Where could they be?" She asked, sounding terrified. Dewey sighed and put on his glasses. "I.. Might have an idea. But I'm gonna need you to stay here, Miss Luna." Luna looked at him like he was insane. "I'm not staying here with Y/N is out there." Dewey sighed. "I cannot risk you gettin' hurt, Miss. It's against the law and my code. I ain't letting you come." Luna huffed and sat on a chair, chewing her fingernails. "Please at least keep me updated?" She pleaded. Dewey looked at her warily. "Yer gonna come no matter what I say, ain't you? Fine. Get in the truck."


Springtrap staked around, his ears laid flat. He was pacing, his claws sliding in and out. Something was going to happen. He could feel it. His hackles were risen, and his teeth were bared. He glared at you, and hissed. "Do you feel that?" He asked, coldly. You shook your head. "No.." He growled deeply and twitched his fluffy tail. Something in you wanted to touch it, so you reached up and grabbed his tail. He snarled and whipped around, taking a swipe at you. You ducked just in time and yelped. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to-" "You just wanted to what? Touch my fucking tail? How dare you!" He hissed, tail swishing furiously now. "I'm sorry, okay? It just looked so fluffy...." Springtrap hissed at you, his teeth bared. "How would you like it if I grabbed your ass without permission?" He snapped. You smirked. "I'd quite like it actually." What were you saying? You fucking hated this guy! What was happening to you? "Fuck you!" You spat, fury rushing through you like a tsunami. His eyes narrowed but he didn't say anything. Just stalked off again. "Lock them up." He snapped a nearby Phantom. "Wait, what?" You were suddenly grabbed and dragged off to the basement once more, kicking and screaming.

Springtrap stalked around the halls on all fours, sniffing the ground and pawing at the dirt. His tail swished again. He almost craved your touch, needing it. He growled and shook himself off. Fur flew everywhere again, he was shedding. "Damn this shedding season...." He muttered. He couldn't shake off the feeling of your hand on his tail and he hated it. It was like a drug to him, a craving, a hunger he could never satisfy. He jumped at a loud knock on the door. "SHERIFF! OPEN UP!" A voice shouted. Springtrap grinned. He got up on two legs again and grinned, his teeth bared. "Coming~" He said in a sing-song. He swung the door open and looked down to see Sheriff Dewey and young woman standing there. The man had a gun in his hand, and it was pointed right at Springtrap. "Can I help you?" Springtrap said in a cold voice. Dewey's eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. "Y..You.. You can t-talk...." He stuttered out, starting to shake. He seemingly quickly recovered and shook his head. "Where is Y/N? I know you have them!" Dewey said. Springtrap snorted. "Are you accusing me of something here, little man?" He leaned down and growled deeply at the two. Luna damn near about passed out at the sheer sight of him, as she was breathing heavily and sweating. It also may have been his overpowering scent of death that followed him everywhere. "You're free to look around, but you won't find them without playing a game with me...."

His Flower (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now