Whispers of a Ghost

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Warm fur brushed against your cheeks and you moaned softly. Your left shoulder was stinging. "... Springtrap..?" You murmured, your voice barely above a whisper. "You're finally awake." Springtrap's cold voice pierced your ears. "Ow... Too loud.." You whimpered, holding your head. Groggy and confused, you looked around to see Springtrap carrying you in his arms. Aww... How sweet was he? You settled into his warm fur and gripped a fistful of it between your fingers. A warm light was glowing behind him and you looked over his shoulder, your head falling over his crooked elbow.

... Fire. Fire.. Fire! "Fire!" You shrieked, scrambling around in Springtrap's grip. Putting your arms around his neck, you looked in horror as the house behind you slowly burned to the ground. "S-Springtrap, what happened to the house, where is Henry, what happened?!" You cried, looking at him. Springtrap remained silent. He only looked down at you with one narrowed eye and continued to his destination. He reached your car and dumped you unceremoniously onto your car. You gave a cry of pain as you landed on the ground. "What happened?" You cried, clinging to him. He did not pry you off, but instead stared at the old house burning. "Are you able to drive?" His voice brought you out of your horrified trance. ".. Yeah. Yeah, I think so." You held a hand up to your head and wobbled over to the car door and opened it, sitting down and grabbing your keys and phone from the middle console. Springtrap climbed into the back again and sighed deeply through his nose. The warm gush of air washed over the back of your neck and your hair stood up on end. You quickly put in the directions back home and began to back up to leave. It was quiet in your car, the only noise being Springtrap occasionally wheezing and the sounds of the road. A soft sob escaped and you slapped a hand over your mouth, hoping to muffle it. Whether he heard it or not, Springtrap ignored you, looking down at his lap. The GPS was the only spoken words that rang out softly. You stopped at a red light and felt a gentle presence on your right shoulder. Springtrap had scooted behind your seat and had laid his robotic ear on your shoulder. His eyes were glowing so you knew he was awake. You couldn't find any words to say. Apparently, he felt the same. The light changed and you softly pressed the gas peddle, not wanting Springtrap to go flying if you hit it too hard. He seemed to appreciate your actions and gave a soft grunt of "Thanks." "Mm." You responded, softly. Your tears started to flow again. You had just sentenced an innocent man to death because you let a monster bully you. You grieved the for the loss of Henry. He had a family. He had a daughter. A wife. Charlie... You prayed for Henry to find her in the stars. You knew he was dead. Springtrap cleared his throat and you jumped, the horrible thought of Springtrap being able to read minds creeping back again.

"Turn left at Richette Drive!" The GPS said cheerfully. You turned softly and went up the driveway and parked the car. You had turned off the GPS when you were in familiar territory and instead turned on a Spotify playlist. You took your keys out of the ignition and slowly clambered out of the car, setting your boots on the ground, brushing off your jacket and shivering in the chilly night. You closed the door and slid down and sobbed. Springtrap climbed out of the car and stared down at you. He leaned down and sat on the ground next to you, and you let your head fall onto his shoulder. You were full on crying now, sobbing hard and heavy. No words were exchanged, just silence and your sobbing. Springtrap wrapped an arm around you and held you close. He stared up at the sky, the dark showing the twinkling stars. A shooting star passed and he watched it pass. He listened to your crying die down and looked down at you. You wiped your eyes and stood up, shaking his arm off. You held your hand out and helped him up. He took your offer and slowly stood up, waiting for your next action. You started for the house and unlocked the front door, not having been bothered to park in the garage. Springtrap got a good look at your house before slinking in. You had already thrown your boots in the corner of the doorframe and were in the kitchen fixing what looked to be dinner. You stared at him with an exhausted look. "... So. This is where you live?" Springtrap grunted, looking around. "Yep." You said, quiet. You wondered what had happened to Henry, if he would be found in the morning, if he had somehow managed to survive, if he was in the hospital. You were burning with questions and curiosity of who's house Springtrap had broken into. "Springtrap-" "Quiet. Someone is outside." He hissed. You froze. Someone outside your house? "Y/N!" Jen's voice broke through. "Y/N! Are you there?" Springtrap snarled and bolted for the bathroom and dove inside. You heard him go crash and winced. There goes my towel display. You thought. You quickly went to the door to open it, and Jen stumbled in. "Y/N! You're ok-" She stopped and stared at you. "What?" You asked, worried, whipping around to see if Springtrap was staring at her. He was nowhere to be seen. Good. You thought. You inwardly kicked yourself. ... Maybe this was your chance. You could get away. "Listen, you hav-" You started to speak but Jen stopped you. "You are covered in blood!" Jen shrieked. Oh dear. You had forgotten about that. "It's nothing, listen!" You said, quietly. "Listen you, have to help me!" Jen grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the bathroom.... Right where Springtrap was hiding. "W-Wait! You can't go in there!" You cried. "Why not?" She said, confused. You saw Springtrap slowly poke his snout out of the door frame and you pushed Jen to the living room. "Because I have to pee!" You lied, pushing yourself against Springtrap and pushed his snout back in, your palm hitting his wet nose. He growled at you and Jen stopped and turned around. ".. Y/N, what was that?" She asked. "M-My stomach! Oh man, you know Taco Bell gets m-me! Move!" You snapped at Springtrap quietly. He growled again, the rumbling shaking your entire body, and you reached up and clamped his snout shut with both your hands to keep him quiet. He hissed in response. Loud. Jen was walking towards you, her eyes narrowed. "What's going on, are you okay? Is there an animal in there?" She was quickly approaching. You glanced at Springtrap, fear taking over and freezing your body. "Just- Let me pee!" You moved your foot to close the door and slammed it before she could get to you. You took one hand off of Springtrap's snout and locked it quickly. Springtrap looked utterly annoyed with you, and you slapped his chest and turned him around, shoving him in the shower. "Hide in there and don't fucking make anymore sounds! Or I'll kill you!" You hissed at him, throwing an armful of towels over him. He grunted in response but stayed quiet. Jen was banging on the door now. "Y/N, come on! Open up!" She was saying, trying to stay calm. "Please, just come and talk to me, its been weeks since Kelsey died, you haven't showed up to work, we've all tried calling you, I'm the only one who has your new number and I wasn't sure if you wanted everyone to know it.. I kept it to myself. Please, Y/N. Just talk to me. I know her death affected you really bad." She was right. You glowered at Springtrap and he glowered right back, baring his teeth, his snout wrinkling as he pulled his upper lip back into an ugly snarl. You looked away. "I'm going to talk to her. Stay here." You said quietly, turning off the light and opening the door. You heard a quiet gasp but ignored it. If Springtrap was going to be a brat, he could do it alone.

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