Blood is Thicker Than Water

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You sat with your mouth open, dumbfounded. He had children? How many? And how? Did he even have..? You blushed and shook your head. "I.. You have children...?" Springtrap grunted. "I had them when I was human." Oh, right. His mysterious past. All you knew was that he was chased into a.. Suit of some sort? So how did he get trapped in it? Was it fleshy? Robot? You had no idea. You had a feeling you would not know for a long time, if ever. "Who are your children..?" You asked. Springtrap grunted again, ignoring your question. He looked at you in the eyes and spoke. "I need your help. I need to stay here a while, gather my strength back until I can collect remnant on my own again. For now, you will do it for me." You sighed softly, knowing you didn't have a choice in this. "Of course." You said quietly. He grunted again and got up and started walking towards your room, limping heavily on his good leg, avoiding walking on his bad one. He limped to your bed and collapsed onto it. The bed frame groaned against his weight. He whined in pain and drew his leg into his flank and tried to scratch his ear with it. He yelped in pain and looked at you desperately. You sighed softly, feeling sorry for Springtrap. You sat on your bed and scratched his long ear. His right was torn up and ragged looking, as if he had lost it in a fight with another animal. He sighed deeply through his nose, laying his head on your lap, curling up like a dog. His tail thumped on the bed, it was big and fluffy. His fur was messy, tattered and unkempt. You would have to give him a bath and groom him later tomorrow if he let you. Springtrap looked almost.. Cute when he was curled up on your bed, head resting on your lap. His eyes were shut, ears laid back and breathing in and out slowly. You slowly laid on your back and kept Springtrap on your lap, falling asleep slowly to the sound of his breathing.

You woke up to sunlight beaming on your face from the window. You looked around and spotted Springtrap curled up at the foot of your bed. Sighing, you got up and petted him softly. He flicked his ear but remained asleep. You looked at your phone ; 10:20 A.M. Ugh. You were exhausted. Eyes heavy and sleepy, you stumbled to the kitchen. You turned on the television and started breakfast. Half an hour later, you heard a loud ka-thump and looked up to see Springtrap trotting out of your room and shaking himself off slightly. He was on all fours and heading for the sliding window door leading to the back porch. He was barely awake so you silently opened the door for him. He trotted out into the chilly air and went to the grass where he lifted his leg up and peed on the grass. You rolled your eyes and went back to breakfast. Springtrap came trotting back in after burying his dung. He shook himself off and licked his shoulder and sleepily walked towards the door again. He made contact with the glass with a thud. You stifled a laugh and opened the sliding door. He stumbled in and stretched out, extending his claws and opening his jaws wide open. He snapped them shut after a moment and looked to you expectantly. "Well? What's for breakfast?" He growled out, sitting down and scratching under his chin with his foot like a dog. He was so demanding. . . Well, what can you expect from a giant bunny monster with an attitude? "Well, what do you want for breakfast?" You asked him. He yawned again, showing off his sharp teeth and forked tongue. It was purple and slimy looking. You were half tempted to reach in and touch it, just for the hell of it. But you knew better. You would easily lose a finger. Springtrap grunted and sneezed loudly. "I want whatever you are having for breakfast." You shrugged and put some pancakes and bacon in his bowl. He went to the bowl and start gobbling it down. He made smacking and chewing noises as he ate, and you inwardly cringed. He ate his food quickly and shook himself off after, making it rain with bits of fur and mud. You shrieked and covered your face. "Springtrap, no!" He sat down on his hind legs and glared at you. "Clean me." You stared at him. "What?" You asked, not sure if you heard him correctly. "Clean me." He repeated. Demanding little fucker... He curled his lip up and snarled at you quietly. Shit. You forgot he could read minds. "Yeah, right away.." You said. You started for the bathroom and heard Springtrap's claws clicking on the hardwood floor behind you. You would have smiled if you weren't so afraid. Afraid of what, exactly? You questioned yourself, mulling it over. Maybe it was the fact you had a monster living in your house. A killer. A child murderer, mind you. Fear laced your every breath. He had told you he had no intention of killing you, but that could change any second. He was unstable, dangerous, wild. A beast at most. In all the chaos and events leading to this, you had no time to be afraid. It was a routine now, and not one you wanted. It was the calm before the storm, one slip up and no one would ever know what happened to you, never find your body. You shivered, goosebumps lining your arms. A wave of fear washed over you when you felt Springtrap's wet nose touch your leg. He had been in your bathroom before, when you shoved him in the tub and locked him in there. Boy was he pissed about that. You had not been home for a while, so your bathroom was still a mess from when you had locked Springtrap in here. Towels and toiletries were scattered on the ground and there were deep claw marks in the wall adjacent to the bathtub. You sighed and looked at the mess and started cleaning up. Springtrap sat in the doorway, licking his wounds as his bandages had come off today. Finally, you started the water and poured some bubble bath in. Springtrap looked curious, his cat like eyes following your every move. His pupils, normally slits; were wide and round. His tail twitched occasionally, making a soft thump sound when it hit the ground. You were nervous. You never really considered how dangerous he was in light of all the genocide happening. It was scary how he manipulated you. You wanted to hate him. You wanted to scream and cry and ask someone for help, to save you from this monster. Dewey was dead. Your only chance of making it out of this alive was gone. You grieved for all those who were lost. You shuddered as you remembered his genocide of the scientists. And Adam. Adam had paid the ultimate price and sacrificed himself for you. Springtrap didn't seem to care for life, unless it was his. . . . Or yours. It was creepy, how obsessed he was with you; having just met you. It was awfully strange how he treated you so kindly and slaughtered others. You would have to ask him someday. But today was not the day. Springtrap's hot breath washed over your neck and back. You froze, not wanting to make a move. He sniffed the air and growled deeply. "Lavender soap? Is that all you have?"

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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