Chapter 7

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I followed El-Roy outside when he was going to address his soldiers. Then a soldier on a blue cape called out:

"Captain El-Roy!" We turned and looked back. The soldier was followed by two more soldiers holding a somewhat archaic looking box.

"Aye sir,we've got a message from Costros." The soldier announced

"What message is that?" El-Roy asked.

"This parcel is from Lord Ragnar,he is..dead. He was shot in a cross fire with the Al-Waall mutants. The soldier announced again. El-Roy heaved a sigh.

"Okay,take it in." El-Roy ordered and the soldiers followed suit. I saw the ones on the white cape,all women.

"Hey captain,Ursula talked about a ship. Where is it?" I asked.

"Look up." He replied.
Truly,the craft stood high in the sky,magnificent.

"How do you guys get up there?" I was quite puzzled. He smiled. In one clean sweep,he went off the floor. Zoom! He went up the sky. I was left awe stricken. Then a warm hand patted my back,it was Ursula.

"Shocked,isn't it?" She asked revealing her white milky tooth. "Yeah,it obvious." I submitted.

"It's nothing. I could do that too." She gleamed as she raised to the air a few inches above my shoulders.

"Someone wants to meet you." She said mid air looking down at me.

"Nikki,my friend,she wants a competition." Ursula said as she welcomed her friend. Nikki wore a hard face,a deep scar ran from the rise of her cheekbones to her right earlobe.
Ursula introduced in a language she called ' Celpish '.

"She has gone round your planet this morning,so,who chooses a place?" Ursula asked tentatively.

"Let her pick." I roared out with my deep voice. Nikki looked at me and said,:

"Sah-harra de sat." She said with her Celpish accent. Sahara desert,of all places,she chose here. Sahara it is. I nodded and offered her a handshake. She took it,her grip was tight,she forced out a smile. I always knew what that meant - I am going to deal with you.
We are touring North of Africa,next. On our marks we stood and by the fall of Ursula's pinky finger Nikki zoomed off. I waited.

"Is she that fast?" I asked. "Yeah,the fastest of Cos..." I didn't allow Ursula to finish her statement as I rocketed off. I caught up to her at the Sahara,Sahara has bow turned to a densely populated area now. In no time I had passed Nikki by taking short cuts through lakes,rivers ad even streams.
I was excelling in my new abilities. No other joy can surpass this one I enjoy under water. I'm back to W.O.N.D.E.R Lab. Seven seconds later,Nikki came.
They giggled at me as they communicated in Celpish. They were keeping me in the dark.
I felt a slurp and a startle on my head. I bent my head,it came down to the ground. A fish. Rivers I thought.

"By the way,why did you choose the color of your speed suit to be black." She asked curiously as we walked through the tents on the premises into the building.

"Number one. Heat absorption. Two. Night invisibility when I hold back the bolts. Three. I'm an African. That's all." I explained.
My suit dinged aloud saying:

"Hameed,you are needed here,in the Lab."

"We're coming." I sent a voicemail.
The doors opened in harmony. My breath seized for a bit when I saw the new suit made for me. I was elated. I loved it.
Black thighs,flanked on the sides was green. On its chest was the Speed sign,the combination of a 'w','V' and an 'L'. The sign was encircled.
Bolts of blue and red flowed up and down the suit.

"This is your new cardigan and sneakers,Meedman." Kadri giggled.

"Thank you." I let out unconsciously.

"What's behind it?" The ever curious one,Ursula asked facing Kadri and Fatah.
Fatah stepped forward,rolled his sleeves,pocketed his hands and started.

"It's quite simple..." Whenever he begins like this,he goes a long way complicating things.

"It's heat resistant because of the Castorial standings in the lithium casings of the..." Ursula then gave me a nudge and asked who Fatah was. A real tech nerd I said.

"Its first core is made of titanium pantrocoat which allows for the conduction of excess current and-"

"English,please." El-Roy demanded calmly. Everyone including Fatah gave a chuckle.

"Okay,it is able to absorb high voltage of electricity and give it back out as force waves,whether as sound,heat or light." Fatah simplified.

"What about the enzy- something of that nature?." Grandpa Yakbell said.

"And it also has an enzymic catalytic fluid that can be injected to him to reduce his speed or increase it." Fatah added. That's horrible.

"I think I don't like that aspect." I stopped and continued:" It sounds horrifying,isn't it?"

"Everyone is vulnerable,Lil Rahman." El-Roy sounded.

"That's true,we all have to protect our vulnerabilities." Grandpa supported.

"I heard the Al-Waall will be here soon. So,what's the plan?" Kadri who had been glued to his computer since asked.
Silence prevailed.

"What if we enclosed them in a dome and finish them off." Ursula suggested keenly.

"That may work,but consider if they have ships on standby." I reasonably analysed Ursula's plan. Silence of continued brain cracking ended when Kadri said:

"We use the torquee dispenser." Grandpa,Fatah,Kadri and I had smirks on our face. Left alone,El-Roy and Ursula asked in perfect synchrony:

"What's the torquee dispenser?"

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