Chapter 8

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A form appeared with its back against me standing where the moon light hit. He had no hair on his madly scarred head. He slowly turned,revealing a dark hollow in his jaw. He had no cheek. He looked like a dying old sick man but with the most vicious face. His hands were buried in each pocket of his coat.

"You've been running away from me." He finally roared out revealing his face. I had seen him before. My heart kicked.

"Horag!!" I shouted as my voice echoed in this cold cave. My hands trembled from the chill of the night. "It is my final quest to get from you what's within?" He boomed out,his voice was earth shaking.

"What's within?" I asked puzzled. Green sparks lit the room. He charged for me as he lets out a thunderous snarl with his nose widened. I took let a cry of vengeance as bolts,blue and red,coursed through my veins and then my eyelids opened. I jerked off my bed,it had all been a dream. The question came again: What's within? I needed answers. I got out of the bed to see grandpa entering.


"Morning,Lil Rahman,how are you today?" He asked.

"Fine but..." "You need to know what's within." Grandpa interrupted.
"That would be after you solve a quick problem." He added. I was confused.

"What problem?" I asked as I yawned a heavy amount of wind. Silence for a few seconds,then:" Al-Waall." My heart went to a state of emergency. I calmed down.

"Food first." I said.

"That's thoughtful of you. Never forget a hungry man is an angry man." Grandpa said as he left the room.

Everything was set. The torquee dispenser was switched on all over Koga making all things disappear. This same dispenser saved me from Horag the day he killed my parents. The dustbin was invisible to him. The dispenser disposed off an illusions of a deserted and desolate place of stark and bleak emptiness. In its centre was a lush green expanse. This was where W.O.N.D.E.R Lab and the surrounding vicinity is.

"They are at the exosphere." Kadri announced as he buckled up his electric emmiter suit.

"We can see them but they can't see us. That's a huge advantage." El-Roy said with a straight face. Tension hung in the air.

"They've got over fifty ships approaching at full throttle." Kadri gave the information. We all stood side by side and only Grandpa in  the air while El-Roy led the soldiers in the premises.
They appeared in the sky. As they lowered their aircrafts,they were engaged by several rocket propelled missiles blowing about twenty ships from the air. Scraps of uncommon metal rained on the field. My cousin,Kabir had just made it easier. His jet zoomed past clearing the way.
Some Al-Waall aircrafts managed to land as they all assembled. I quickly seized all their weapons in one quick swift. The war began.
I remembered it was time for a revenged. I searched out for Kakto and Philly. I found them in no time,took them to an area I left out uncovered with torquee.

"Are you up for another squashing,boy?" Kakto said as I sped over to him and hazed my hands through his chest and brought out his heart. He dropped dead on the floor. Philly threw a dagger at me,with only the shift of my left leg,I moved out of the way. I caught the dagger midair. In one sweep,I released it from my hand. I saw it go;hilt,blade,hilt,blade,hilt and it sank into Philly's right arm as he let out a painful shriek. In anger,he sent red bolts. They hit my chest as it moved me back  a little. My new suit absorbed the charges completely. My turn. I released a burst of energy surviving through the air and roughly taking him off balance and smashing him onto a tree. Again,he shrieked.
In a rush,I stood over him as I summoned all bolts in my body onto my hands. I placed my hands on his head and then,his head was gone. That was my second kill.
I rushed back to the illusionary green field. It was filled with bodies,Al-Waall bodies. The war was won in less than an hour.
The Costrozonians were already getting board their ships when a deafening roar rang out violently. It was a true definition of a giant. He had a thick muscle head. He had arms as big as a tree trunk. A kite shaped mark was on the giant's bulky chest. He took giant steps pounding his feet on the ground. He wielded a hammer,a heavy thing of metal. On getting close,he swung the hammer at me. I dove from the way just in time sparing my head. He towered over me. The thought of him killing me sent shudders up my spine. He raised his hammer up in the sky and down for me it came. Few centimetres on impact,it hung in the air. I looked above,Grandpa was doing a good job.

"Go help them get into their jets as they leave." Grandpa shouted. I simply nodded as I left. The giant had the beating of his life,it even got worst when  Mr Rashad joined the spanking. It was funny.

"That's Al-Waall." Ursula came up behind me. I was surprised.

"I would be going now. Next time." She said as she left for her aircraft.
El-Roy came up behind me. He patted my back.

"Shut down the torquee dispenser." Fatah shouted in the distance. All went off. The sun was now up.

"I have a little present for you." El-Roy said as two soldiers came up with that same archaic looking box they had brought from one Lord who died..

"Open it." Ursula came again.
I opened it. It was a black cape. As I moved forward to touching it,it swooped up from the box and stood in the air. I was pushed aback and frightened

"This is Quagrayne. She's is the only cape that's self awared." Ursula said as she laughed.

"She?" I asked perplexed.

"Yes,a legend. Her soul was bound to a cape to be a guardian of its custodian. It chose you,Lil Rahman." El-Roy added as he smiled.
The cape in one swoop again came around my back and mounted itself on my shoulders. 

"I can fly now." I said as i raised up a bit from the ground.

"We'll be going now. We are not too far. You could visit anytime soon." Ursula said as she hugged me. Quagrayne who was on my shoulders tugged at me to break the hug. I did. They left for their ships. Al-Waall was bundled and lifted into the premises where the ground opened up and down he went. Penitentiary.
The Costrozonians aircrafts hovered into the air and off they went.

Olav's Educational Centre
The bell for recess rang. The students rushed to the canteen. I moved outside with my friend,Emmanuel.

"Did you see the aliens from the news? They got their asses whooped by the Speed." Emmanuel said with enthusiasm.
I barely gave him an answer. I took out my phone out; W.O.N.D.E.R Lab alert. It read:

Bank robbery at Okina,be there now. Save the five hostages,take the offendants to the police station. Don't forget to mask up.

My new suit appeared all over my body with its green pigment on my sides. Quagrayne flowed with the breeze on my shoulders. I heaved a sigh. I dashed out in great SPEED.

              TO BE CONTINUED.....

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