How They Met

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  ~Jack x Nurm~

"Hey Jack?" Petra said leaning against a wall in the adventure shop, "hm ?" Jack looked up from polishing a diamond, "How did you and Nurm meet?", this made Jack stop polishing "why you ask?" he said putting the diamond and cloth down, "curiosity." Petra smirked and crossed her arms, "Well uhh..we met when I, Sammy and Vos were in the middle of nowhere.. --" Jack starred before Nurm rolled his eyes and said something, "what it's a awsome name!" Jack argued, Nurm said something else but went back to the back of the shop, "anywaus as I was saying..."

Jack walked through the deep snow, starving, weak.. And alone. He, vos and Sammy got separated far back and now he's trying to find them, but the thing is, he doesn't know if they are already dead.. he doest know that he might be soon to be dead.. He looked around, nothing just snow falling and alover the floor, reaching upto his knees. Jack started to shake, his vision was getting slower, his breathing became slower "HELP?" he called out "SAMMY.. VOS? ANYONE!" nothing, just wind brushing around him, snow getting alover him. Jack fell over in the snow, he couldn't breathe properly, "someone.." he gapsed before falling in the snow, he everything turning black slowly, but he saw a figure running to him, probably an animal comming to feast. Then everything turned black.

He slowly got up, everything in Jack's body felt pain, when his vision slowly went from blurry to fine, he looked around, he was in a house, he was on a sofa with a fireplace near him, he looked the other way and saw Sammy and Vos, "guys..?" Jack faintly said, "oh thank the starts you're alright!" Sammy said as she hugged Jack, "How did i--you get here?" Jack sat up. "A villiger found us with you on his back, we followed him there and he's helped us alot" Vos said pointing away from Jack, he turned around and saw a villiger walk in, he was holding a bowl. He gave it to Jack, it was mushroom stew, "thank you.." Jack out the bowl to his lips and started drinking. "I must say that he is a good cook" Sammy says, making the villiger smile and say something thry couldn't understand, but Jack did, villigers fascinated him, their different language, that's why Jack learned how to speak villiger, he wasn't a 'pro' but he knew the basics. "he says 'thank you'" Jack smiles at the villiger "what is your name?", the villiger says his name is Nurm, obviously the others don't understand, making Jack laugh at their confused faces. Nurm siad something else 'you guys should rest, that snow storm was nasty..', "he says that we should rest , you know how that storm was.." Jack tells the others, Nurm took him to his room "are you sure, we can crash at your sofa" Jack asks, Nurm turns to him "yes, you were badly injured, all of you, you need the best I can offer." he says but nods at Sammy and Vos. "thank you" Jack walks in with the others following, Nurm leaves the room to rest on the sofa.

The morning arrived and Jack woke up, the others were deep sleepers, he stretched his back and walked around looking for Nurm, he wanted to thank him for everything. The more he looked around the more he realised that Nurm was all alone. He and his friends were probaly the only people he's seen in a while. Jack started to feel pretty bad for Nurm, he turned around and Nurm was in his face, "Oh! Hey Nurm - uh- sorry for snooping around.. I was mainly looking for you.." Jack scratched his neck, "its fine.. There isn't much to look at" Nurm said, Nurm looked a little upset, "Hey are you alright?" Jack put his hand and Nurm's shoulder, "I'm fine. Its just.. It was nice having you guys here and.. -" Nurm looked down, "it's sad being here alone.." Jack finnished his sentance making Nurm nod. "How about you come with us?", this made Nurm look up, "really? -- I mean I don't want to get in the way of the rest of you guys-", "no no, it would be nice to have a new adventure with us" Jack smiled and Nurm did too, Nurm hugged him, catching Jack off guard but he hugged him back.

Sammy and Vos finnaly arrived downstairs where Nurm and Jack were talking while eating breakfast, surprisingly looked really good, eggs with bacon and toast, "Hey guys." Sammy said yawning, "Finnaly you have awoken from hybernating." Jack said eating another slice of bacon,  "ha.ha"she said sarcastically while taking a plate from Nurm. "anyways are we gonna hit the road again and find out way home?" Vos said sitting down next to Jack, "yeah and were taking Nurm with us!" Jack replied, smamy and Vos just stared, "you sure?" Sammy whispered, "of course I'm sure. Why?" Jack looked a little annoyed but he couldn't get tok much without a explanation, "Well...we've only just met him and he isn't from where we're from. Sammy and I don't even understand him, others won't! " Vos whispered, "Are you kidding me? He's welcomed us in and helped us from that storm! I could be dead by now, we could of all been dead by now if it weren't for him! And who cares Where he's from, he's comming with us." Jack got up agressivley and walked out, he walked in the kitchen with some plated and decided, since Nurm was so generous, he would clean the dishes for him, it was the least he could do. He stated washing when Nurm walked in," you alright? "Jack asked, Nurm looked at him" you really didn't have to do that.. but thank you"Nurm smiled as he went to Jack, "no no thank you for being generous, me and the others had a discussion about bringing you with us and they agreed."Jack smiled but looked back to the dishes why did I lie.. I should tell him that I'm taking him anyways, no matter what they say.." I know thry don't want me to go.. I don't have to ill be in the way. "Nurm looked a little upset but tried to smile calmly," no no, I'm taking you whether they like it or not, you shouldn't have to be here all alone in the middle of no where " Jack gently patted Nurm's back making his smile a real smile," thank you so much "Nurm said before walking back to the living room with Jack.

" well we should be going. "Vos said getting up, Sammy got up too and Vos kinda tugged at her arm and they went out the room, Nurm knew straight away it was abut him and looked down," Hey ignore them, you will come with us, I won't let them change that. "Jack grabbed his wrist gently and walked out with Nurm, Nurm was now waring a coast and a backpack will some of his survival stuff. Of they went to go find home...

" and that's basically how I met Nurm.." Jack finnished," wow, how wierdy romantic... "Petra giggled" why didn't Vos and Sammy like him? "," Oh..-Uh- they weren't so interested in villigers and stuff like that.. They thaught he would get in the way.. But he really helped in our adventures, even though some he wasn't in, like the sea temple, I'm so happy he didnt go, but really he was an amazing adventurer " Jack smiled "now excuse me while I put this diamond back" Jack walked off. Nurm walked to Petra, "by the way, I love his little silly names for places." Nurm and Petra laughed before Nurm walked off. "what's so funny?" Jack asked as he walked back to Petra, "nothing" she lied.

That took ages, and is still bad 💔
Requested by : @nightshadowhawk_ on tik tok
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