Gay Bar

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 ~ M! Jesse x Lukas~

Yes the title is named after a song my dad listens to.

Another angst :

CRASH Jesse jumps and looks through the door, he sees a blonde guy get up from the bar and swing back, Holy crap. I need to stop them! Jesse runs out from behind the door and out the bar, he tries to push through the crowd but can't. That's untill the crowd suddenly opens and then a man crashes into Jesse, slamming him into the wall. "OH YOU-" The man says before getting himself up and attacking the blonde one. Jesse slowly gets up, clenching his stomach. Jesse groans while looking back at the fight, his coworker, Petra, walks in, and then she looks at Jesse, she sprints upto him "Jesse what happend?" She says while walking him to the bar "Y-Yeah just a little pain, I was trying to stop the fight that's all" Jesse leans against a wall, while Petra goes to separate the fighters. Jesse looks up to see the blonde was holding the brunette down against the bar, the brunette grabbed a glass, full of bear, and smashed it against his head. The brunette pushes the blonde off him, making the blonde land into a table.

"That's it, either you both stop, or both of you get out" Petra grabs the brunette, "Get off me stupid woman!" He says while pushing her into the bar. "That's it you bitch! " Petra grabs his hair, she drags him out the bar, "Don't come back again." She says coldly while slamming the door in his face. Jesse gets up from the wall, the pain in his stomach gone, and runs upto the  blonde, "Are you alright?" Jesse asks ad he reaches his hand out to him, The blonde slowly takes his hand, Jesse pulls him up and walks him to the bar. "Stay here, I'll get you a ice pack " Jesse runs in the back, grabbing the ice pack, he runs back and passes lukas the ice pack.

"So... How did you and that guy end up in a fight?" Jesse aks leaning over the bar. Lukas looks at him, quite annoyed, "Look he just--" the blonde turns to Jesse, he stares at him for a moment, stating into Jesse's jade eyes, while Jesse looks into the blondes prussian blue eyes, "He - uhm - he started to say rude things to me, after I told him to stop he started getting aggressive and then it started a fight." the blonde looks away. "Well can I get you anything?" Jesse leans closer to him, "A.. A cider- any cider, thanks" The blonde ignoring eye contact, "My names Jesse, Jesse Oswalt, yours?" Jesse gets a glass and fills it up with cider. "Lukas.. Lukas Porter." Lukas mumbles into his hand, "Nice name 'Lukas'" Jesse chuckles, "Why you laughing, your name is a 'girls name'" Lukas laughs a little. He turns to Jesse, "So your finnaly cheering up, hm?" Jesse laughs passing lukas the glass of cider , "Hey your not the one who was in a useless fight!" Lukas starts to drink the cider, "I can fight!" Jesse cracks his nuckles , "Hm, totally" Lukas laughs, "Hey!" Jesse punches lukas's shoulder, Lukas laughs, his head dropping a little, the glass in his hand .


"Well I think I'm gonna go" Lukas stands up, getting his jacket off the back of his chair, "Wait!" Jesse says, making lukas look up, "come back tomorrow, I wanna hang out with you..again" Jesse blushes a bit  "drinks will be on me!", "Sure, and you don't have to do that" Lukas chuckles, "But what if I wanna" Jesse leans against the bar, "Even better" Lukas laughs. Lukas turns to leave, but waves Jesse goodbye, before he walks out the door. Jesse smiles before he begins cleaning the bar.

Soon Jesse and Lukas started to fall in love. They would spend as much time they could together, Lukas truly felt happy around Jesse, and Jesse felt truly happy around Lukas. Even though they both loved eachother, they don't know the other loved the other, they were scared the other would think they are a freak, and then would tell people. So they kept it to themselfs. But their love was overflowing over them. It was too much to bottle up... So one night..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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