Don't Leave Me

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      ~M! Jesse x Lukas~

Warning :
Mentions of blood.

Jesse enters PAMA cautiously, not knowing what will happen, but he knows, it won't be easy. He walks through a glass path, everything was red and harder to see, he looks down and sees more platforms with redstone dusted on them, being crawled on by huge disgusting spiders. Jesse gulps and walks more closer to where he thinks he needs to go, but verry slowly, he didn't know what tricks PAMA could pull at a time like this. The more Jesse gets closer the more he can her the thumping of the heart Harper mentioned earlier, so all I need to do is get that.. This should not be too hard.. Hopefully, Jesse thinks to himself, he slowly walks across the glass, the thumping echoing around him, "Greetings, Jesse."A electric voice calmly says, Jesse screaches before looking towards his left, oh crap..., he thinks," I, of course, have been expecting you. " PAMA seems quite proud of himself," through, I will admit, I am quite surprised how quickly you gained access.." his face goes from a sinister smile to a straight, serious , face. "my defences are significant!" He says with a cheerful smile, "Well PAMA you should know I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Jesse says patting his chest, "Well, Jesse, I'd like to see those 'tricks', let's see if they will get you out of this, shall we?" PAMA's smile goes back to a sinister one, Jesse gulps "I guess we will see."

Jesse runs to the center, he looks to his right and left, his left a tower surrounded by spiders, his right, a tower surrounded by zombies, "I guess I'm having a second warm up today" Jesse tells himself while running towards the spiders, drawing his sword out. He runs towards them and one jumps at him, he raises his sword at his, cutting it through the chest and swings his sword into 2 other, making them fall off the platform, and the spider stuck on the sword flew off with them. Jesse turns to the other spiders, there are now 2 more, He attacks one but the other jumps onto his back. Jesse reaches over his back and grabs it by its head, he throws it into the other spider making them fall of the platform aswell. Jesse runs up the tower and pours the water in one of his buckets on the redstone, it flows through the red stone and down the front of the tower, everything starts to flash darker, Jesse looks up and sees PAMA's face, it shows 3 excelemation marks, one not glowing. Jesse smirks and gets down the tower.

He runs at the zombies, he swings his sword at one making it jump back, one zombie sneaks behind him and atteps to punch Jesse's back, but he ducks down and smack its legs with a sword, he gets up and kicks it off the edge. He turns to bus his left and stabs another zombie and swings it off the edge knocking the rest of the zombies off the edge. "Hah! PAMA I must say, your "defence" in this place, is horrible." Jesse laughs and runs up the tower, "we'll see Jesse.. " PAMA seems to be uncesseseraly calm, but Jesse ignores it, he's just thinking of a way to try defeat me! But we won't win this, not if I have a say, Jesse thinks to himself.

He runs to the third tower, "So PAMA you finnaly have given up? Becuase I'm not seeing any--" Jesse felt something pushing him to the ground, in his back he felt a sudden sharp pain, he cries out, but then looks up and sees Harper, but she has scarlet red eyes "Harper!" Jesse struggles to get her off him, "but Jesse I thaught you had this under controll? I thaught you were confident! I thaught you thaught you will win. But the thing is. You. Will. Not. One way or the other." Harper and PAMA say in sync, I'm the same scratchy robot voice. This creeps Jesse out" Harper snap out of it! " Jesse still struggles under Harper, he finnaly gets his feet under her and kicks her off, but gently, he didnt want her to get hurt. He gets himself up and runs up to the top of the tower, Harper following close behind. When Jesse climbs himself up and gets himself steady Harper already has got to him, Jesse looks down behind him and thinks of a plan, "Come and get me then!" Jesse opens his arms and Harper charges at him, Jesse then dogdes making Harper go flying off the edge but Jesse catches her by her collar. He then dumps the water on the redstone and lifts Harper up, she started to attack him but he grabs her and gently pushes her head into the water.

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