I Couldn't Do This Without You

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  ~ M! Jesse x Petra ~

"you lied to me!" Jesse said, his eyes tearing up "I've tried to make this day the best I can, even without them and you just complain and complain!", "Jesse I-I'm sorry.." Petra whispered, "let's just get this Jack guy and get this stupid gauntlet off my hand." Jesse walked off with Petra slowly following . . .

"Petra! NO!" Jesse shouted as Petra disappeared "Where did she go!?", "why? Its not for a looser -like you- to worry about where the cool people go" the admin laughed, "Well the only looser I see here, admin, is you." Jesse said firmly, "... WHAT!? I'm done with you making me feel bad, I prefer to feel good! And I'm gonna feel real good when I send you two to a place where you'll never see the light of day . Ever. Again" he said waving his hand, "NOO-" Jesse screamed before being teleported in a place full of flashing colours . . .

The red gauntlet started glowing and Petra groaned in pain, "Petra what's happening..?" Jesse asked, him holding his sword back, we wne tto walk towards her but she drew her sword towards him, preparing for attack, "Jesse, I'm sorry.." Petra sighed before charging at him . . .

Jesse and Petra enter the cabin, unsure of where to find this Fred's "weapon". Petra has been unnecessary quiet lately, but Jesse just thinks its her being tired, or she's still worried about "her thing" she hasn't found out yet. Jesse looks around and walks over to the armour stand, "heh rember we had one of these in the tree house, untill someone -you- broke it" he laughs, Petra just looks and nods, "Hey petra is something wrong?" he walks upto her, but she looks away "I'm fine.. Please just go find this stupid weapon and get out of here." She says but she sounds quite shaky, "I'm here if you need to talk..." Jesse patts her shoulder, but suddenly Petra starts to cry, "i-its just miss my friends so much, and all I do is make it difficult for us to see eachother, getting all bratty that they can't even through they have their own lives! I'm a awful friend!" Petra starts to sob and Jesse carefully sat her and him down and she begins to sob into his chest," I-I'm so sorry for everything! We-We wouldn't be here if it weren't for m-me! ", Jesse stars to stroke her short ginger hair gently " don't belive any of that nonsense! You are an amazing friend, I- I couldn't of made it without you! I know its frustrating not being able to hang out with your freinds, it hurts me too, but I'm here, and always will be for you..." Jesse gently kisses her cheek and Petra looks up, Jesse solfly whipes her tears away and smiles" now let's find this weapon and put a stop to the admin " He gets up and helped Petra get up aswell, Petra nodds and Jesse walks around looking for clues...

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