[24] The truth comes out

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Ashton's POV

"No way!" I laughed hysterically, staring into Blake's dark green eyes as we talked in his rather large bedroom. Blake owned a very big and spacey apartment in downtown Los Angeles. It was absolutely luxurious. I began to wonder what Blake did, career wise, being able to own one of the best apartments in Los Angeles after all. How was he so.. rich? This was a question that I had been itching to ask him ever since he brought me to his apartment for the first time last week. I didn't want to sound greedy like a gold digger or something, so I figured I'd wait a decent amount of time before I asking about his career. But now, was the perfect time.

I had been so lost in my thoughts that I had almost forgotten that Blake was talking. "Yeah, I can't believe she grabbed my crotch to check if I were gay." He emphasized the last part, and we laughed together.

After our laughter died down, I let out a deep breath and finally spoke up. "Blake, do you mind if I ask you something?" I questioned in a solemn tone.

He looked at me, and smiled. "Sure, ask me anything."

"What do you do? I mean, what's your career?" I quietly questioned, staring at Blake. He stared back, his smile slightly disappearing, like he had been hiding something, like there was something that he didn't want to tell me, or maybe he was upset that I had asked him that? I tore my gaze from his. "Never mind, forget I asked that." I stated.

Through the corner of my eye, I saw Blake's wide, toothy smile return to his scruffy looking face. "No, no it's fine. I don't mind you asking that." He reassured me and I reconnected my gaze with his. "I work as a business manager for a succesful financial software company."

My eyes widened. "Really?" I gasped. Wow, that's a big job, he must work very hard for his money, I thought to myself. "That's amazing. I assume that's why you're always so busy." I amusingly realized. Blake was a busy man. I've only known him for a week and a half, but I noticed that he was always too busy to hang out on most week days. I assumed his work had also occupied him at home, and that's why he couldn't meet up with me on most nights. But he always did make up for it, taking me out to breakfast the next day. He was a sweet man, I pictured us seeing each other for a long time. I really liked him. A lot of times I wondered if he liked me as much as I like him, or maybe even more.

"Yeah," Blake smiled and nodded his head, agreeing that his job was the reason he was always so busy. We lovingly stared at each other for a few moments until he finally spoke up again, "Hey Ash," he began, "You know, I really like you." He spoke as if he had read my previous thoughts.

I felt my cheeks heat up after hearing that statement, but I tried to hide it. "I-I uh, I really like you too." I stuttered nervously.

"Perhaps I could treat you to dinner tonight?"

"No, no. You don't have to do that." I replied almost immediately. I didn't want Blake so waste all his money on me all the time. I definitely wasn't worthy of it and we haven't even been seeing each other that long.

Blake chuckled and grabbed my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "I want to."


Isabella's POV

"GOOD MORNING!" A voice shouted and I immediately jolted upwards, awoken from my deep slumber. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes in an attempt to be able to see what was going on, due to the fact that I was too sleepy to see correctly. I noticed Bruno had been standing right above me with the biggest smile plastered on his freshly shaven face, holding a big bouquet of red roses.

"Oh my god," I sighed, bringing my hands up to my face. "Babe, I told you like a million times already. You don't have to do anything special for my birthday," I tiredly croaked, "or Valentine's day," I immediately added, sitting up from my previous position.

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