[5] This shit has to stop.

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Isabella's P.O.V.

I was scrolling through twitter on my phone, while sitting on a couch in the radio station that Bruno and The Hooligans were being interviewed at. Most of my mentions on twitter consisted of tweets from worried fans who had found out that I got sick last night. I felt much better now that I had finally gotten some rest, but I was still completely bummed out that I had to miss the very first live show of the Moonshine Jungle Tour. Bruno may have gotten what he deserved, which was not having a drummer last night, but for some odd reason, what he had said to me last night while I was sick had really hurt me. When things like this would happen, I would usually only feel angry with him; never upset. It was strange, but I had tried my hardest to avoid the feeling, and most importantly, avoid Bruno himself.

"Isabella." A voice spoke.

I looked up from my phone, only to find the one and only Bruno Mars standing in front of me. His facial expression looked somewhat saddened and guilty, but I ignored it, not really wanting anything to deal with him at the moment. "What do you want?" I breathed, turning my attention back to my phone.

"We need to talk." He said.

Yeah, right. Bruno and I had hated each other ever since we first met, and I would've never thought that he would ever want a talk with me. I rolled my eyes, ignoring Bruno and standing up, wanting nothing more than to be anywhere but here.

I felt him grab my hand, his tight grasp preventing me from leaving. "Bella, please. Just listen to me!" He pleaded as he let go of my hand and stood in front of me.

Did he just call me, Bella? I was completely confused by now, but I quickly tried to ignore it. I was in no mood for any of this.

"There's nothing to talk about." I spoke quietly.

"Yes, there is. Bella, just hear me out, please." He said as he intently looked into my eyes.

I crossed my arms over my chest. Maybe he's actually really sorry. Maybe he's willing to make things better between us. I sighed, and silently stood where I was, waiting for him to speak.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what I said last night. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, it's just that I'm kinda much more important than you are." He said and then raised his eyebrows, obviously trying to make a point.

There's that ego of his. I rolled my eyes. "You're unbelievable." I annoyingly shoved past him, wanting nothing more than to get as far away from him as possible. I reached for the front door of the building, but Bruno once again grabbed my hand, preventing me from leaving.

"You can't just leave without me, there's hundreds of fans waiting outside of this place." He sternly informed me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at him. "What do you mean I can't leave without you?" I rudely questioned.

"They think you're cheating on me with Ashton because you grabbed his hand yesterday at IHop, and you can't just do that!"

Great, this is just great. I groaned. They probably think I'm just some cheater now, and it was all Bruno's fault. "Why are you doing this?" I annoyingly questioned, referring to the fact that he still wanted everybody to think that we were dating.

"The publicity, duh." He said while raising an eyebrow, as if I should've already known why he was doing all of this.

Is that all he ever cares about? Himself? "Wow, I really hate you." I breathed, staring through the glass doors in front us. There was a massive amount of loud fans eagerly waiting outside, holding up signs and excitedly talking to one another. I sighed. "Let's just hurry and get out of here." I anxiously demanded without tearing my gaze away the glass doors.

I felt his hand grab mine, entwining our fingers, and I immediately felt my heart rapidly beat against my chest, leaving myself oddly unsure of what I was feeling, but I quickly tried to push away the strange feelings that I was receiving as he pulled me out of the building with him. We found ourselves being swarmed by photographers and screaming fans as we made our way to the tour bus, but we hastily ignored it, not wanting anything more than to get out of the loud, sweaty group of people who've probably been waiting outside for hours just to get a glimpse of us. I felt bad for not stopping to sign autographs or take pictures, but I just wasn't in the mood for any of this shit, so I tried not to worry about it too much.

As soon as we walked through the door to the tour bus, I immediately closed it behind us and pulled my hand away from his. I was still pretty furious with Bruno for everything, and I knew that he wasn't actually sorry about anything that had happened between us. I still hated his rude, self absorbed ass more than I should. I angrily stomped away from him and began walking towards the back of the bus.

"Isabella, c'mon. I said that I was sorry!" He called behind me.

I stopped in my tracks, but only felt my anger towards him build up even more. I turned around to face him. "No, you're not actually sorry, Bruno! All you ever care about is yourself, and the fame, and the money! You're incredibly selfish, and rude, and you're probably one of the worst people I've ever met in my entire life!" I annoyingly shouted. "I hate you." I finished, glaring at him.

He chuckled softly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, you don't think I feel the exact same way towards you?!" He let his arms fall to his sides before accusingly pointing a finger at me. "You're so annoying and demanding, and you always screw up on everything! You never play the drums the right way, and it drives me insane! I knew that I should've never agreed to having a girl in the band!" He furiously shouted back.

I scoffed, angrily taking a few steps towards him. "You've got to be kidding me, right?! I work my ass off for you, Bruno! I'm always trying my best, but nothing ever seems to be good enough for you're lazy, stuck up ass!"

He groaned. "I knew that I should've never fired my brother." He crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at me.

Oh my god. I groaned. "You never fired Eric! He quit, because he was so tired of working with you! You were always so rude and selfish towards everybody, and you still are! I'm really, really surprised that The Hooligans, or anybody else hadn't given up on you yet!" I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest as well. No, I hadn't felt that I had gotten any of my anger towards him out yet, because I was beyond furious and no amount of yelling, or arguing would ever fix or lessen it.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but Phil had already jumped into the argument, beating him to it. "Just, stop it!" He annoying shouted, and Bruno and I both turned our attention towards Phil, who was standing in front of the door to the bus. We must have been yelling too loud to notice him walk in. "You guys need to stop constantly arguing! Ashton and I are beyond sick of it. The guys and I discussed all of this, and we think it'd be best if Ashton and I stay in one of the other buses from now on."

 "You're gonna leave me alone in this bus with her?! Bruno anxiously questioned, gesturing to where I was standing in front of him.

"And you're gonna leave me alone in this bus him?!" I furiously shouted while pointing a finger in Bruno's direction. "You guys can't do that! Bruno is terrible!" I complained.

"We're doing it whether you guys like it or not! You're gonna be stuck alone in this bus together until the two of you finally learn to put aside your damn differences and make up, because god only knows how long it'll be before you guys actually try to kill eachother. This is serious shit, it has to stop!" Phil sternly said, his eyebrows raised slightly.

Bruno and I stood where we were, silent and speechless. Phil glared at us for a few moments before leaving the bus, not saying another word.

I couldn't believe that they were doing this to us. It was completely unfair. Sharing a tour bus alone with Bruno was the last thing that I ever wanted to happen, and I honestly didn't think that I would last a single day without literally killing him. Great, this was just, great.



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