[14] "It's not a bad thing to fall in love with me."

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Loud laughter and footsteps echoed throughout the allies of the colourful city of Las Vegas as Ashton, Phil, Dwayne, John, Phredley, James, Kameron, and Jamareo all chased after Bruno and I, completely drenched in blue paint from head to toe as we ran through an ally and onto the sidewalk.

"BRUELLA! Get your insane asses over here, right now!" Phil called from behind us as we continued running.

I glanced back and laughed, though their blue, dumb asses weren't very far behind.

"Why would they do this?!" Ashton shouted, angrily raising his fist into the air.

"They found out about the prank, you fucking idiot!" Jamareo yelled, and I heard a smack, indicating that he had probably hit Ashton somewhere on his blue drenched body.

You're probably wondering how we got into this situation, right? Well, as revenge, Bruno and I decided to pour bright blue paint all over each and every one of the guys from a rooftop after they had spent an entire day shopping. The new clothes that they we wearing? Completely ruined, as well as their various shopping bags of even more new clothes and expensive watches and shoes. Sounds quite childish to do that to them, but we all had our childish sides, and that was perfectly fine with the ten of us... sometimes.

Bruno and I ran into another ally, but unfortunately, we immediately discovered that it wasn't the best idea, due to the fact that had a dead end. We came to a halt and pressed our backs against the brick building as the guys laughed mischievously, walking closer to us.

"What do you think you're doing?" Bruno rudely questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

It was then that I realized that Phredley had been carrying a half empty can of paint this entire time, because he then ran up to us and poured it all over our bodies. I pursed my lips, wiping some of the icky blue paint out of my hair, although it did absolutely nothing to help. Thankfully, their wasn't enough paint to drench us completely. Ew.

"I hate you." I muttered through gritted teeth.

"Aw, I love you too." Ashton stated and began walking over to hug me. He wrapped his arms around my body very tightly, and I tried to pull away, but I was no match for Ashton's strong arms. "Ashton!" I whined as the blue paint on his clothes transfered to my own body.

"Ew! Don't touch me!" Bruno complained as Phil, Kameron, and Dwayne all hugged him as well, drenching him in blue paint.

The rest of the guys ran up and hugged me, too. "Ugh, stop." My voice annoyingly lingered on that last word.

"Are we even yet?" Jamareo curiously questioned, squeezing me tightly.

"If you don't let go of me then we won't be." I managed to choke out beneath his unbearable grasp.

"I'm taking that as a yes." He cheered, and then picked me up bridal style before carrying me over to the large puddle of blue paint that stained the concrete ground. "Jam!" I screamed as he dropped me into the puddle. My voice had gone five octaves higher than it normally was, due to how startled I was by his sudden action. "I hate you." I muttered, but was unable to hold back a small smile as the rest of the guys began laughing hysterically before me.

It was times like this, that I felt truly happy to actually have the opportunity to be friends with such amazing people whom I could just laugh with at even the stupidest things in the world. We all may have our ups and downs from time to time, but at the end of the day, we will always remember how much we actually mean to eachother, and I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything in the world.


One week later, 10:30am.

San Diego, California.

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