[13] Revenge

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Isabella's P.O.V.

I awoke to somebody pressing multiple light, delicate kisses to my cheek. I giggled softly, turning around to face Bruno, and he immediatly pressed his lips against mine. They were soft, and tasted lightly of alcohol from the night before. I let my fingers tiredly run through his messy, curly hair as I returned the kiss.

The last thing I remembered from last night was when Ashton had told me that he wanted me to talk to that guy at the bar. I wondered how it went, or if I had happened to do anything incredibly stupid, considering I was probably really tipsy at the time. I just honestly had no idea what happened last night or how I ended up in this bed with Bruno, but by the feel of our unclothed bodies pressed against one another beneath the warm comforter while the morning Las Vegas sun shined brightly over us from between the thin curtains on the gigantic window across the room, I think I had a pretty good idea of what went on last night.

Bruno chuckled softly against my lips before pulling away. "Do you remember anything that happened last night?" I felt his hands curiously but slowly feel around my waist, and then near my ass, "Because I have no clue." His voice was raspy, indicating how tired he was probably feeling at the moment.

I shook my head as I let my fingers play with the pendant on his gold necklace that he had always seemed to be wearing, him hovering over me at the moment. "Nope." I sighed heavily.

He sighed as well before lying down next to me once again. He immediately grabbed me my the waist and pulled my body closer to his as he wrapped his muscular arms around my small figure, my back tightly pressed against his chest. He burried his face in my hair and I closed my eyes, hoping that I could somehow ease away this terrible hangover with some more sleep. I felt one of his hands search for mine, and he entwined our fingers. I felt an odd pressure around my left ring finger as he did so and a cold, metallic feeling around his own left ring finger from inbetween my ring finger and pinkie.

What the fuck...

I immediately opened my eyes and looked down at where we were touching. A beautiful ring with a rather large diamond clung around my left ring finger while an almost plain metallic one clung around his. I let go of his hand and quickly turned around to face him before intently examining the ring on my finger all while Bruno watched. I furrowed my eyebrows and Bruno's jaw nearly dropped.

I frantically sat up. "D-Did we..." I began, but was much too shocked to even finish my almost too obvious question. "Did we get hitched last night?" I managed to choke out after a few seconds. My voice was high pitched and full of anxiousness.

Bruno did the same, sitting up before stressfully and anxiously running his fingers through his hair as he intently examined the ring on his own left hand. "I-I don't know, I don't remember a single fucking thing." His breathing patterns were the complete opposite of mine, which were now short and heavy.

I felt as if I were going to have a heart attack any moment now. This was definitely not okay. Bruno and I had been together for only a week, and we were already... married? I breathed in a nice, deep breath. "Holy shit. Um, okay. Alright. W-We will get this all sorted out, right? I mean this can't be serious." I stood up off the bed and immediately felt light headed as a large amount of pain shot through my head, but I quickly tried to ignore the strange feeling as I grabbed a pair of clean underwear and a pair of my skinny jeans that had been lying on the floor for who knows how long. I know, Bruno and I weren't the cleanest, tidiest people in the world. I quickly slipped on the clothes before grabbing one of Bruno's T-Shirts that had been lying on the floor as well, which I actually wasn't sure it was clean or not, but I didn't care. I had more important things to worry about at the moment. "We have to go talk to the guys, like right now." I urgently stated as I quickly pulled his loose shirt over my body.

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