Sanderson Ranch

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Aarons POV

None of us dared speak during the short drive to the ranch. This one eyed guy was truly more scary than any demon or spectre we had ever come across, i had a feeling he would even put fear in the heart of the Devil himself.

My phone buzzed it was Zak

Holy crap this guy man i would rather take on a hellhound bare handed

i know dude but weirdly i feel kinda safe with him I texted back

Nick and Billy joined the chat

Anyone wanna try chatting to the big guy? Its kinda uncomfortable up front here

noooooope i had to muffle a giggle at billy mine and Zaks reply

Nick cleared his throat "excuse me sir how much farther to the ranch?"

"about 10 minutes... you boys seem nervous" was that mischief sparkling in his good eye?

"we always are sir especially when we could be dealing with a demon" 

He nodded

" So I don't scare you then?" His lips twitched

" to be honest we all feel shityapants scared of you sir" Nick was bein waaaaaaay too brave in my humble opinion Zak and Billy looked like they were gunna faint

To our surprise this goliath of a man threw back is head and let out a shout of laughter

We arrived at the ranch a couple of minutes later. We drove through an old ranch style wooden gate with horns adorning the top and a sign saying Sandersons. We followed the drive around past the corral the outbuildings and pulled up outside a gorgeous white ranch house. Beautiful gardens surrounded it. Parked outside was a couple of trucks and a seriously cool motorbike a Harley no less. We got out and started to unload. A middle aged man and woman came down the steps from the front door to greet us.

"hi there i'm Nancy and this is my husband Sandy" Wow she was stunning i could see what her husband saw in her.

We all shook their hands and Introduced ourselves, the big guy was finishing unloading.

" One Eye did you have any trouble at the airport?" Sandy asked

"nothing i couldnt handle boss" the big guy smiled

" You boys look scared to death. Has this naughty boy been scaring you" Nancy looked at the big guy admonishingly "Don't worry he is actually a really big teddy bear"

A big teddy bear!! I tried not to laugh Zaks eyes were watering Nick looked away Billy was struggling to keep a straight face

"Only for you you gorgeous Angel you" the big guy grabbed her lifted her and span her round before kissing her cheek. Sandy cracked up. The big guy put her down, she swatted him blushing.

" Do you need me for anything else boss?"

Sandy smiled

"Not tonight One Eye, thank you for bringing these boys here safely we can take it from here"

"Ok boss, Miss Nancy, Gentlemen i will see you all in a while"

Oooohhhh this was gunna be fun.....

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