Trouble in Paradise part 1

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Tempests POV

Ok i admit it I got a crush on that guy... whats his name... Zak those lips those eyes

i was working in the hay barn with Eric and Natassia my two best mates on the ranch. Eric was tall and brown haired hazel eyes muscly sin on legs some girls would laugh and say.. Natassia was his sister she had the same hair and eyes but she was more compact and curvy. Men in the local town would have killed to date her. We were baleing the hay and sorting the feed out that had been delivered that morning. Hot and sweaty work but it passed the day

"so Temp what do you think of those guys doing the paranormal stuff?" Natassia had a twinkle in her eye

" i like them but don't know them yet i like the one called zak especially"

She laughed her cheeky but sweet laugh " i like the one called aaron"

"well i like Nick so there" Eric said in a camp voice. We cracked up he is a total doofus is our Eric. A real ray of sunshine.

The walkie talkie we all had with us crackled to life scaring the living crap outta us

"All teams report to main house immediately i repeat all teams to the main house immediately" Sandys voice

We dropped what we were doing and hauled ass up there

When we arrived everyone was taking seats I sat next to my dad Natassia and Eric. I noticed Zak and the others were there too.

"ok everyone settle" Sandy had his boss voice on. We all snapped to attention

" A massive storm is heading right for us and its gunna be a howler we have less than two hours for round up and batting down the hatches before it hits" Oh joy i mutter

"Tempest, One Eye Natassia Eric and Marcus are Team Leaders you all know your teams"

Everyone nodded

" Right Tempests team and Erics are on Round up bring every animal to the reinforced barns One Eye your team is securing machinery etc Natassia your team is on house security Marcus you team is on main ground security...All teams are to take a walkie with them and will report to the reinforced barns to help finish stalling animals when theyare done take care out there ladies and gents... Any questions?"

To my surprise Zak raised a hand "can we help in anyway sir?"

Sandy bit his lip " i can't risk you guys"

To my amazement my dad spoke up "they can come with me theres a hell of a lot of machinery out there" and these guys have some technical knowledge from the gadgets i've seen. They will be safe and fine with me Boss"

"Ok zak nick aaron and billy you go with One Eye... Dismissed"

Everyone left their seats assembling into their teams, I felt a pair of eyes in my back and turned. Zak was looking directly at me and he mouthed Be Careful. I smiled nodded and headed out

We went to the stables and grabbed our horses thunder rumbled in the distance

"Ok peeps Haul ASS. Gup"

We thundered out towards the fields and pasture at full pelt we couldn't afford to lose a second. We heard the other horses starting to panic a nod of agreement between me and Eric and we split into two and began the horses round up whistling and raising hell. Once the Alpha male started walking towards the ranch the others followed. We radioed the ranch "headin your way at full pelt get them doors open" We got the entire herd galloping. All the while hearing the thunder getting closer and closer the sky was turning black. We entered the main holding areas where the barns were i glanced over and saw my dad shouting instructions to his team over the increasing wind those GAC guys were doing quite well. they were slowly gaining respect... including mine

YEEEHAAAA! she is coming round and warming to our boys keep reading for love stolen kisses and a surprise

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