The Woods

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Sandys POV

It was Sunday morning and i told the staff they had the day off for a change. They were ecstatic, but also concerned about the ranch, bless them all. I assured them everything would be fine. Besides I needed the break too. It had been a hellish few weeks with storms etc.

During breakfast I noticed little glances and shy smiles between Aaron and Natassia and could feel the love blossoming between Zak and Tempest. I decided to play match maker. I was thrilled for both possible couples. I spoke quietly to One Eye and Nancy and outlined my Idea. They both laughed in agreement. One Eye was heading into the local town to catch up with some friends of his he knew in the Marines and he wouldn't be back til late evening

I would get Tempest to show Zak around on horseback and get Marcus to do a picnic for them as a surprise in the woodland to the east of the ranch. As for Natassia and Aaron i decided to get them to go out to my cabin on the far side of the compound where i truly fell for Nancy.

"Tempest sweetheart" One Eye said

"yes pops"

"Can I borrow your bike today? To meet up with Charlie and the boys?"

She laughed and threw him the key "You scratch her or do any damage to her and i swear I will kick your ass over the entire ranch... are we clear?"

He burst out laughing Kissed her cheek "Yes sweetheart...have fun whatever you decide to do"

I turned to Zak.

"would you like a tour of the entire ranch Zak?"

He looked surprised "That would be great! But all your staff are on a day off."

I laughed "Tempest would you be willing to take him round?"

She smiled that sweet smile "sure boss but it would have to be on horseback otherwise it would take a week to show him on foot"

"can you ride Zak?" She asked with a mischievous glint in her eye

He choked on his coffee, Nick Aaron and Billy cracked up... He had it for her bad

"probably not as well as you" he grinned. Now it was her turn to choke.

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