Trouble in Paradise part 2

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Zaks POV

When we left the dining room in the team we had been assigned to I felt uneasy. The clouds were to say the least threatening you could see the lightning flashing and thunder rumbling. We began bringing in the machinery under One Eyes direction

"Nick, Scotty Billy!! at the back of the shed you will find heavy duty chains and covers gettem out here please quickstep"

"Zak Aaron Michael grab those emergency generators and take them over to the barns"

We grabbed the generators and fuel and began making our way to the barns.

"damn these are heavvvvvvvvvvy" Aaron moaned

"Don't worry sport You lads are doing a fine job, just pace yourselves" Michael had a Australian accent it took me by surprise

We could hear thundering hooves and whinnying coming at one hell of a pace

"watch it lads!!!!!!" Michael yelled

What a sight! There was a least 50 horses coming full speed... Then i saw her Tempest galloped ahead of the herd using her horse to direct them between her team and Erics they slowed the horses down and got them into the barn and stabling Nancy, Sandy and two more teams were there waiting for them to take over the stabling of all the horses and mustangs.

Tempest and the others wheeled their horses round and headed back out to the fields and pastures

"damn she can handle a horse" i almost whispered in awe of this amazing woman. I felt a stir in my heart.. was i starting to love her?

"thats why she is the head ranch hand" One Eye made us all jump

"can you guys get a move on before i kick all your asses?" uh oh he had a sugary tone... never good i think.

Needless to say we ran like hell with the generators his deep laughter ringing in our ears

Dropped the generators where we were directed and Marcus started getting them sorted. We hightailed it back to the machinery shed and carried on working our butts off securing everything with covers and chains and rope

One Eyes POV

I had to chuckle i think Zak has the hots for Tempest he couldn't take his eyes off her on horseback all wild and free. His jaw practically hit the floor. But we had work to do so i snuck up behind them and heard zak whisper something about her handling her horse. I swear him Aaron and Michael jumped 4 feet off the ground when i spoke. So i added a sweet sugary tone to my voice i couldn't resist. They practically sprinted across the yard. I laughed and went back to my work.

They were back with in moments and to be honest they worked their asses off.. i was severely impressed, they didn't bitch or moan as i would have expected city boys to. They got stuck in and i noticed even Michael and Scotty were looking impressed.

Suddenly there was an almighty flash of lightning and ear splitting crack of thunder.. the heavens opened.

"OK kids Lock up and haul ass!!!" I bellowed above the now howling wind

We shut secured and chained the door and sprinted to the barn.

Sandy was waiting for us "Tempest radioed BE READY They will be here momentarily." Then we heard it above the storm cattle and hooves heading towards the barn

"what do we do boss" Nick asked me

"stick with us boys don't worry we will show you the ropes as best as we can"

A hundred head of Texan Long horn came flying towards us and yet again my beautiful Daughter... i was still getting used to that.. and Eric wrangled them with precision, so they came into the barn in a long single line.I grabbed a rope and started lassoing and directing into the stalls i glanced to my left Sandy Michael Nancy and Scotty were doing the same. I looked to my right and to my surprise Nick Aaron Billy and Zak were attempting to help, and getting into a little trouble but they were managing.

I heard Tempest yell "Look out!!t Atlantis is Free" I heard hooves and that low bellow coming to my right. I ran and pushed the lads out of the way as the meanest bull on the ranch charged them i dove to the side.

"Hey asshole over here!!" Tempest yelled and a lasso went over his head and horns he was yanked away.The five of us stood up and were greeted with the sight of Tempest Eric and Natassia trying to get Atlantis under control, their muscles straining sweat and rain dripping off them. I could see Zaks face both terror and amazement showed on his handsome face

"Zak I need you and the lads to help me" he looked up at me and for a second i saw everything he was falling for her Big time. They nodded i made a low whistle to Sandy and Nancy i showed them the rope i had and mouthed "catch" They nodded and caught the rope and tied it to a a strong stall

I whispered to them " ok boys we are gunna trip the bull up and hog tie him.... do you understand"

They nodded and i could have sworn they all gulped... poor fellas

Thunder crashed over head rain was slashing down outside.. I whistled low to Tempest she glanced my way i pointed to the rope and did a hand signal she nodded message received and understood

"Hang on tight boys"

Tempest and the others suddenly snapped in the opposite direction the bull going with them. They were in front of him... they began taunting him and like an idiot the bull charged and promptly tripped over the rope. Tempest and the others were on him in a split second trying to hold him down Sandy Nancy Marcus jumped on. Myself zak and the others quickly hogtied him and between us all we heaved pushed and pulled his 800 pound ass into the stall. We shut the sturdy gate and Removed the ropes. He behaved like a gentleman after that

"well that was fun" I could hear the sarcasm in Tempests voice even though she was panting from the struggle

Her eyes looked up at me and everyone else. She smiled " Nicely done though"

I think the laughter could be heard above the storm outside

I watched as Tempest approached the GAC guys "you guys ok?"

"we think so" they answered her honestly

"Well done boys"

I have never seen five men virtually jump up and down like that just from getting approval from a lass. She and Zak locked eyes for quite a few moments.... Uh Oh do i smell love blossoming?

woohoo! they got her!

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