9 Months Later

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Tempests POV

I feel like i'm going to explode. The twins are due any day now. Zak and Aaron also Nick and his family have moved to live on the ranch full time. They are still doing their infamous lock downs all over the world. But these days they have their own network channel, they film edit and show all sorts of programs... its great fun. Me Natassia and Veronique work the ranch for Nancy and Sandy, well I do usually but being pregnant has put me into light duties...and it aint fun.

Zak announced our relationship and the pregnancy on Twitter. I got a bit of crap until they met me in the flesh and thought better of it.

My dad found it hard for quite a while after the possession.... Until I introduced him to a friend called Cassie. They have been dating for 6 months, I've never seen him this happy. She has a "magical" quality.

My phone rang

"hello sweetie are you ok?" Zak

"I'm fine love how was the lockdown?"

"Tiring" He laughed

"how the little ones?"

I chuckled "kicking the crap outta me"

"awww. I'll be home soon ok?"

"Ok sweetheart love you"

"love you more"

I laughed and hung up

I went over to the main house and saw Sandy playing with Jasmine Aaron and Natassias daughter. She was adorable all curly haired and teeny.

I suddenly felt a sharp twinge in the bottom of my stomach, I hissed.

Sandy was instantly at my side

"You ok Honey"

"Just a twinge they been happening for a couple of days"

"Does Zak know?"

"Yes He will be home later on."

He smiled and went to Jasmine who had just started bawling for her bottle

" Coming my little Princess" He laughed

Now a lot of people believed Zak was a player, i can tell you he is not... Not once has he been tempted. He knows i would kick his ass if he did and then my father would bury him.

I waddled into the living room and sat with "Fifty Shades of Grey". I love reading... Geeky I know

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain and a gush... My waters had gone

"HELP!!" I yelled

Within Seconds V, Nat and Nancy were at my side.

It was time.

Zaks POV

We were 10 minutes out of San Antonio beyond that lay home. Me and Gracie gave up Vegas. I know this is true love. My phone rang and Nick answered it

"Hey V whats up baby?"

I heard her yelling something, after hanging up he looked at me and grinned

"uuuuh Tempests waters have gone and they are heading to the hospital"


"Tempests waters have gone they're on the way to the hospital" He said slowly

Needless to say my foot hit the gas.


We just pulled into the hospital and were helping Tempest out of the car as another contraction hit her. She cried out.

"It's ok honey breathe deeply" I rubbed her back in little circles

"Hurtssssssss" she ground out

"I know honey, but trust me its going to be ok"

Screeching tyres heralded the boys arrival. Zak jumped out closely followed by Nick and Aaron and sprinted over to us.

They helped us with Tempest who was on the verge of tears.

Nick ran into the hospital and a few moments later two midwives came at full pelt out to us

They helped her and Zak into the delivery room..

Now all we could do was wait

Nicks POV

We all sat outside the delivery room for about 3 hours. The doors opened and Zak came out holding two bundles and the biggest grin ever.

"May I introduce Alex Nicholas and Aaron Zachary Bagans"

They were gorgeous the had their dads dark hair but the emerald of the mother in their eyes.

"you named them after us" I choked


"hows Mom" Natassia asked

"she's ok sore and tired but the nurses said you can see her shortly"

I looked over and saw One Eye racing in

He stopped and smiled

Zak approached him and introduced him to his two new grandkids. As he held his grandkids he had tears of joy in his eyes.

At that moment Aaron started crying

"Uh oh he needs mom!!" Zak laughed

He gently took the babies from one eye and went back into the room.

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