The Visitor in The Dark

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Zaks POV

That storm was terrifying but luckily it died down near dark. I opened the doors to the barn, looked around, there was some damage broken tree limbs and things like that but no structural damage. Everyone agreed to leave the cattle and horses in the barn while we all returned to the main house.

Dinner was a quiet affair. I kept stealing glances at Tempest and noticed she had bruising on her throat it was that horrible yellow green.

"that video was taken round about a week ago" i realised with a start

I nudged Nick and Aaron and mouthed "her neck" They both glanced over and I caught the look of shock in both their eyes.

Damn she was tough. It took me at least a week just to recover from the shock of possessions and attacks..... Ok Ok I am a bit of a Diva at times but she made me feel like a wimp.

She looked up and noticed me looking she raised an eyebrow enquiringly. I just smiled and continued eating.

A deep chuckle started

" Don't even go there dad!" Tempest was looking at her father a smile twitching her lips

"what? I never said a word" One Eye was trying to look innocent and trust me it wasn't working he had a mischievous twinkle in his good eye

Tempest started to laugh evilly.

"Don't you dare!!!" Nancy shrieked with laughter just as Tempest threw a handful of potato right at her dad and got him smack bang in the face!

One Eye poked his tongue out at her

"FOODFIGHT!!!!" Sandy yelled within seconds everyone was diving for cover and throwing handfuls of food everywhere

Laughing me Nick Aaron and Billy joined in

15 minutes later everyone was laying on the floor laughing exhausted but content

" Look at this mess!!" Uh oh I notice the housekeeper standing there. She had to be in her 50's her grey hair swirled up in a bun her cold eyes looked at all of us

"my apologies ma'am but i will help clean it up" One Eye said with sincerity crossing his fingers behind his back

She laughed "What am I going to do with all of you, honestly its like a bunch of kids... go on shoo, the lot of you i will get this sorted"

"are you sure we can't help Tamzin?"

"I'm sure as long as it doesn't happen again"

" Yes ma'am" we all answered at once

She chuckled as we all left

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