The Truth The Whole Truth

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Tempests POV

After getting back to the house and running up the steps hand in hand with Zak we were greeted with wolf whistles cheering and clapping. We both laughed and he lifted me up, spun me round and kissed me in front of everyone. It was hard ignoring the awww's and cute comments.

We both glanced over and saw Natassia and Aaron walking over hand in hand. I couldn't help but grin and give her a hug... I watched Zak shake hands with Aaron.

I spotted Marcus and gave Natassia an evil grin, she nodded and chuckled evilly we gave a glance to the boys. We split apart and she went to the left I went right and both pounced on Marcus tickling him. "AAAAAARRRRRGH!! ONE EYE H H HELP MEEEEEE!" he was laughing so much

"nuhuh Your fight not mine!!" Dad laughed. We both gave Marcus a hug and whispered a thank you.

"anything for you two, now go play with your boys us men have cooking to do" We both swatted him.

We all spent the evening playing cards and all sorts of things. As i watched everyone family and my new boyfriend laughing and being goofy I decided it was time to open up fully

I cleared my throat and i sat in a comfy armchair "I think its about time i told you guys everything so maybe you can get an understanding of why i am the way i am... If you walk away from me afterwards i will understand and it will hurt but i will understand fully" I looked at Zak with the last comment so he knew what i meant.

everyone nodded

"I was born in February 1978 to as far as i know a lady named Breeanna and as we recently found out my dad One Eye. Dad was serving in the middle east fighting insurgents on the borders between the countries trying to prevent an all out war, she didn't want kids and she had me put into care. At that time care homes were hostile violent places without love or nurturing you had to fight to eat and to survive. The "carers" used to beat you for the slightest thing. As i grew older i became stronger almost inhumanly strong. The carers regularly starved or beat me because i was "unteachable" I didn't know how to play, how to interact with anyone, I didn't know what love was. I was completely feral. I was moved from foster home to foster home, care home to care home, every one worse than before. All the other kids were getting adopted into loving homes with good families... I was always overlooked. It hurt but in a weird way pain didn't bother me anymore. Suddenly my carer came into my room. She told me to pack my things because i was leaving with my "forever family" She had a smile on her face that she got when she whipped me, almost a perverse pleasure of hers. I followed her downstairs and there was a skinny messy and smelly man and woman standing there.

"is this little miss unbreakable?" they smirked

" Yes but i warn you she tries to fight back you have permission to do whatever you want she is no longer our responsibility"

They grabbed me and dragged me away to this disgusting place.

"welcome home sweetness" they guy smirked and grabbed my ass. I turned round and hit him full force. I broke his nose. Next thing i know I was grabbed from behind and knocked on the floor. My arms were pinned down and he tried to rape me....."

Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I sighed and carried on

"I felt a surge in power and remember seeing a purple flame engulf me there was an almighty bang and flames everywhere. I managed to get up and run. I left that house and ran and ran till i collapsed exhausted. The next day it was all over the news two people killed in an explosion, both perverts and into drugs etc. I felt so guilty I had killed two people, evil souls but still people. I got into bare knuckle fighting to survive and so i had money to get from place to place. God knows how many people I harmed... If i looked in a mirror all i saw was a monster.

A few years later I managed to find out my mothers name and managed to track her down. She told me to leave and never return and that i was a mistake and should never have happened. Rejected yet again i decided no one would ever hurt me again. I got the sabre tooth cat tattoo to signify that no matter how hard times get i will never give up i will never be broken.

One night i was walking through a little town on the outskirts of Phoenix and an elderly man approached me he approached me and i remember growling at him to stay back as i would harm him... he smiled and said that he was an elder and i was the one who could banish a demon forever. He gave me this Wiccan necklace and told me to trust in it. Then he simply disappeared.

A few weeks later I met One Eye, he gained my trust and brought me here. Sandy and Nancy took me in, educated me fed me and taught me the ins and outs of the ranch. I realised i loved them and vowed i would protect them no matter what the cost. I was 15 at the time. Been here ever since. Thats my story not a nice one but my own."

I looked up and to my amazement everyone including Zak hugged me

"Oh Honey now i truly understand. I will never leave you or reject you" Marcus soft voice

"Nor me" Zaks voice

" Nor us" Echoed in the room. I realised they meant it. I was accepted.

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