Chapter 1 A New Start

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WARNING! Spelling errors, cussing and some sexual content. Sue me XD {there will be a warning on the begging on the chapter if there is sexual content} ENJOY!

Y/N - Your name YF/N - Your friends name

"And I will walk 500 miles.
And I will walk 500 more.
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles to fall down at your door"

You have been singing for three hours straight and not aware of it.

"La da da da
La da da da
La da da da
La da da da
La da la da la da la da da da"

You can't wait till you reach LA. 'LA here I come' you think to yourself as you pass the border to California.

You were staying with a friend of yours who lives in LA till you have enough money to buy a apartment.

*ring ring*

"Hello?" You say as you turn your phone on speaker

"Hey Y/N! Where are you?" It was your friend YF/N"

"Just passing the border to California" so say swerving around the road while trying to turn the volume up on your phone.

"Alright. My door isn't locked so just walk in. cya then!"

"Byee" you turn you phone off.

"When I go out
Well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who go's out with you!" You continue to sing.

In all honesty. You don't think you can sing but you do it anyway.

Here's a little back story on your life. You had a nothing close to a normal life. You always were dreaming about starting new. you lived with your Mother who was abused and your Father who abused you and your mother both. He would sexually abuse you and beat your mother. If you didn't do what he wanted, he would either hit you with his leather belt or take his pocket knife and cut you. He never cut you to the extreme were you would need to go to the hospital no, but he would cut you enough to bleed and have extreme pain. After you turned 19 you finally got away from him witch would be today. While your parents were sleeping, you stole your fathers truck, and is now driving to LA. Your friend decided that you could live with her until you can get your own apartment. After what your father did you never trusted boys. You would normally just run off or shut down. You wouldn't go near knifes, hated the sight of one. Your friend was aware of this and made sure to take care of you. But anyway, let's get back to the story.


You arrived at your friends house. A two story house, white and red. She had 8 rooms in all. Two bathrooms, three bedrooms, kitchen and living room.

You walked in the house with an amazed look on your face. 'Wow, she has a bug house' you thought to yourself. Back home you had a one story house, with a kitchen, bathroom, a small living room, and one room where your mother, father and you slept.

"Hey Y/N!" Your friend walk over to you and grabbed your bags. "Let me show you to your bedroom" you followed your friend up a flight of stairs and into a large bedroom. You had a water bed which you run over to and flopped right on it. You had a dresser with a mirror on top and 5 drawers, you also had a large flat screen tv in there as well.

"Holy! You have a fancy house" you said with wide eyes.

YF/N started laughing "that's right bitch!" You both got lost in laughter.

"Well I'm going to go cook super. You get in packed and we are going for a night on the town!" YF/N yelled playfully

"Will do Miss!" You put your hand up like a solider. You both started laughing.

"Okay okay okay, after supper I'm going to take a shower. K?" You said throwing yourself off the water bed.

"K bitch!" Your friend walked out the room laughing.


Your friend was putting the dishes in the dish washer.

"Don't start that! I need to take a shower" you yell at YF/N

"Nope" YF/N presses a button and the wash starts.

"You bitch!" You say as you both loose it in laughter.


You both decided for your walk on the town that you'd go threw the malls. You were staying Offaly close to your friend because there were a lot of Men around.

"Hey Y/N how about you get off my back and walk normally" she said laughing

"U-um, O-o-okay" you stutter. 'She's right, I came here for a new start, I might as well stop being so afraid of all boys. They're not all like my father' I thought to myself. I stood up straight, kept a little bit of space i between YF/N and I and began to walk.

"There you go missy! See, already starting to improve!" She said impressed. A smile crept across your face.

You grabbed your friends hand and start running towards a store for a joke. "Come one let's move" you said laughing.

"Victoria's secret?!" Your friend barley chokes out from laughter. You both walk into the store giggling. You were never the type of girl who would shop at a store like this. You've had the same three bras since you were 16 so your kind of self concise of your breast size.

You pick up a lace bra and underwear that match. They have pink fabric with black lace over top. You look inside the bra 'push up' you say to yourself. 'Just what I was looking for' you walk over to the cashier and purchase the matching clothing and weight outside the store for you friend to get out.

"We're to next?" You ask your friend.

She looks at your clothing. You've always have worn baggy cloths due to insecurities. "Let's change this" she said pointing at my cloths. We walk into Garage.

"Whoa. This is a store for pretty girls. Well, might as well wait till you get out" you begin to walk out but YF/N grabbed you by the shirt and pulled you back in.

"Nope" she says giggling


You and YF/N have multiple bags in your hand. You both are walking home talking and laughing. You weren't paying attention and you bumped into a guy.

"Oops! Sorry!" You heard a dark voice say. You say there on the ground trembling. He had his hand held out to help you up. It was to dark out for you to see his face.

YF/N walked up to the man and started talking. You couldn't really hear them but you tried to make out what they were saying.

"She's actually has a bad past with a guy so she's a little on edge with guys. Sorry about that" figures she'd say that.

"Would you like some help up?" The man asked. 'Your here for a new start, remember' you slowly put your hand in his and he pulls you up. When you stand back up you looks straight at the ground and walk over to your friend.

"Thank you" you mutter.

"No problem. Sorry for bumping into you again" he laughed nervously. You looked up at the man and you couldn't stop looking into his eyes.

"Wow" you say

"Hmm?" He looks at you

"Oh ah" you start panicking "n-nothing!" You look back down at the ground.

There was a little awkward silence.

"Well we better be getting home. Cya!" YF/N said as she grabbed your arm and pulling you back home.


You and your friend sat down on the couch and we're talking.

"YF/N" you say

"yeah?" She looks at you

"When I looked at him. I wasn't scared. for the first time in my life wasn't scared. Who was he?"

And then the world changed               (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now