Chapter 7 That one question that changed everything.

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I'm thinking about asking Y/N that question that might change everything. After seeing how she acted last night before the power outage I don't know how she'll act. I don't even know if she trusts me anymore. But then again, she did falls sleep in my arms last night so she must trust me. I'm kind of scared to ask though. What if she says no? Will that make everything awkward and the "thing" we had between each other just fall apart?


'Ever since the end of breakfast, Mark as been acting weird.' You think to yourself.

"Something wrong Markiemoo?" You give a little smile.

"No, I just have something on my mind" Mark just continues to look at the floor.

"Oh, um, okay. I'm going to go out for a little bit. Would you like me to come back or no?" You looked at him and he didn't answer. You frowned a little bit "I'll just go home" you grabbed your bag and headed for the door. "Bye" you shut the door.


Did Y/N say something? Did I do something wrong? She just closed the door as she left. I didn't think she said anything? Is she mad at me?


'Why is Mark acting like this. He's kind of being a jerk ignoring everyone' you think to yourself as you start walking out to go buy some food for YF/N. You and her we're going to bake "Monkey cake" witch is kind of like finger food/cinnamon bun/cake. It was your guys's favourite.

After you buy the ingredients you call YF/N to come and pick you up. You waited for about 20 minutes before you saw YF/N in her car driving up to the store. It looked like she was jamming out to a song. She looked kind of retarded. You gave a chuckle "damn idiot" you say before getting into the car.


"I just don't know YF/N" you and YF/N started baking at this point. "He's just been acting weird" you have a look of concerned look "I thought I loved him, but I'm not to sure now. Ever since he woke up. He's been ignoring everything! It's like I'm just a prop for him. When he wants me he does. When he doesn't, he doesn't. There's no in between. When he doesn't want me, then I need to leave. Let him be." YF/N dropped a spoon and grabbed your shoulders

"Y/N! You've known the guy for about a week! Your over reacting! He's probably just stressed out about something!"

You have a sigh. "I hope your right"


You and YF/N sat on the couch eating the cake watching horror movies. You get the shit scared out of you at one Jumpscare and dropped your plate of cake. "Fuuuuuccccckkkkkk. Know I have to get up, clean that up and get a new piece." You look at YF/N "I'm to lazy for this shit!" YF/N laughed

"You lazy bitch!" YF/N laughed. You just walked into the kitchen and stuck up the middle finger.

*when I wake up
Well I know I'm gonna be im gonna be the man who wakes up next to you* you looked at your phone as the ringer kept playing. It was Mark.

"TURN THAT SHIT OFF" YF/N yelled playfully.

"THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTH" you yelled back. You picked up the phone.

"Hello?" You said as you cleaned a plate. You got a text from YF/N and it read.


You turned it on speaker.

"Hey Y/N. Why'd you leave without saying a word?" Mark asked

"I did say something but you were too busy thinking to notice" you sounded a bit annoyed.

"Sorry..." There was a minute of silence.

"I was meaning to ask you something" Mark said finally breaking the silence.


"I know that YF/N can hear so id rather tell you alone. So maybe can you come back over for supper and we'll talk?" Mark seemed embarrassed.

"YOU BITCH" YF/N yelled.

"Um. Okay" you ended the call.


I couldn't wait to ask her but I don't want to.

You was getting ready to drive over to Marks house but when You came down stairs you found a note from YF/N and read

"Dear Y/N. I have gone out with a few friends to the bar. May come home drunk and i might be home by 12.
Love, YF/N" you sighed. "Looks like another night alone" you texted Mark saying you were driving over and got into your truck and started to drive.

Once you got to Marks apartment you knocked on the door waiting for about 10 minutes before the door opened. You really weren't in the mood to see anyone right now. Because, well, you know, girly stuff. Anyway. Mark answered the door inviting you in. You take a seat on the couch.

"You wanted to ask me something?" You glared at him.


I knew Y/N wasn't in a very good mood right now but I'm asking her anyway.


'Hurry up and ask. I want to get home and eat cookiedoh already'

"Y-Y/N wou-uld you l-like to m-move into m-m-my apartment with m-me?" You eyes shot open. Even tho you weren't in a good mood you stood right up.

"Mark" you looked at him straight in the eyes and you could tell that he knew what you were going to say already. His eyes softened.

And then the world changed               (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now