Chapter 4 Im not ready!

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You just woke up in your water bed. Hair all over the place, drool down the side of your mouth, in the same cloths as yesterday and a banging headache. "Ugh" broke out from between your lips. You say up and began to make your way to the kitchen to find YF/N sitting on the table passed out. "Oh man what happened last night?" Sudden flash backs began to occur as you started to remember.

When you got home from Marks you planed on going straight to bed but YF/N decided it would be fun to have a couple drinks. After you guys downed a in tire bottle of vodka you guys partied. All night.

A sudden shock of realization came to you. "IM MEETING MARK TODAY! SHIT IM A MESS" you screamed waking up YF/N.

"Huh?" YF/N muttered as you bolted back up to your room leaving YF/N to fall back to sleep. You quickly pulled on a pair of leggings then remembered that it was suppose to be over 24 degrees outside so you took a pear of coveralls that had short shorts for the legs and a normal coverall top. You took a bando and a flora shirt and put it on and quickly fastened the coveralls. You put your hair in a messy bun and quickly putting mascara on. You rushed to the bathroom to try and get the smell of vodka from your breath and replace it with mint. After you were all done you sat down on the couch for like 5 second but had to get back up from a knock on the door.

"Hello" Mark greeted you with a smile then looked at what you were wearing only to fall into a hug "oh my fuck Y/N you look so adorable" your face began to heat up and he quickly pulled away "I'm so sorry"

You gave him a smile and quickly pulled him back into the hug "why thank you Markiepoo, you don't look half bad yourself" you pulled away only to be greeted once again by that handsome smile.

"Where shall we head off to today Mr.Iplier" you started to giggle

"Well do you maybe just want to hang at my place today?" He suggested

"That would be fantastic!" You smiled and he walked you to the truck and opened the door "a princess should be treated like one" he gave you a sweet smile making you blush a little.

Just to explain, Mark has realized he has fallen in love, and you already knew you have you were just denying it. After a talk with YF/N you decided to start to show that you like him. And Mark talked to Bob and his wife about it and Mark decided that it would be nice for today, something big to happened and he then asks you out, so now you guys are kind of "baby lovers" but you don't know it really, you act like your dating but your not, I mean come on guys, I'm sure you all have done it. Anyway, back to the story.

You didn't have enough time to put your lipstick on at your house so you pulled it out of your purse and started putting it on using the mirror in Marks truck.

"What you putting that on for?" Mark said giving a smirk and trying to sound sexy. Okay, he doesn't need to try.

"Ha ha very funny Mark! I'm putting this on because I need to look pretty" you blurted out "especially when I'm with you" you muttered under your breath.

Mark just smiled and kept driving. And you face the fact that he heard what you just muttered.


You came prepared this time because Mark said we'd be playing wii games, wii fit games. So you brought a sports bra and spandex.

"So what do you want to play first?" Mark asked.

"Ummmmm how about Just Dance to start off?" You started laughing

"Okay!" Mark laughed with you.

"Just give me a second" you say as you walk down the hall to his washroom to get changed.


Y/N said she had to "go to the washroom" but when she came out, boy I was immediately shocked and turned the fuck on! she came out in very short spandex and a sports bra! I didn't know she had abs!

When she walked out I sat down on the couch as fast as I could holding my hands over that area and looking straight down at the ground.

"Is everything okay?" She asked

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine" I stuttered.

"Oh, okay then! I'm just gonna stretch, you know, bad to work out or shit like that without stretching first!" She giggled and I just gave a nervous smile.

She begins to stretch only to bend down and touch her toes. Oh man I can't help but look at her ass. The spandex is so short it shows some of her butt. Fuck! "That's it! I can't hold it back no more!"


"That's it! I can't hold it back no more!" You heard Mark yell "Y/N!" He said kind of sprinting up to you. "I need you" he pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened and kissed back. His lips were so soft, you never wanted this moment to end. But then he started to get more into it, moving his lips and putting his tongue into your mouth, you started to do the same, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he picked you up making you wrap your legs around his stomach. He pushed you against the wall putting his hands under your ass to hold you up. Finally he let you down and separated his lips from yours for him to began and try to take off your pants leaving you only in your sports bra and underwear. He pushed you down on the couch and memories you've been trying to forget flow back into your mind.

"Father" you whispered as Mark took off his shirt and laid on top of you kissing your neck and slowly making his way down. You stopped him got up and grabbed your cloths, ran and hid so he couldn't find you.

You got dressed in the spot you were hiding and cried.

"Y/N!" You heard Mark yell "please come back! I'm sorry! It won't happened again!"

After about five minutes he found you crying behind a washing machine.

"Y/N" he says softly "I completely forgot" he sat down next to you "please forgive Me" he wiped the tears from your face.

You felt as if you couldn't trust him no more but the softness in his voice made you remember the kind man he was. 'He would never have done anything like that on purpose, it must have been what I was wearing. I've learned from my mistake' you thought to yourself.

You turned and buried you face into Marks chest and began to cry harder. Mark picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the couch and you both say there. Mark let you cry and he calmed you down enough for you to talk.

"I-im sorry" you managed to speak "I-I just need some time before it gets brought to that" you began to cry harder into Marks chest.

"I know darling I know" Mark said rubbing your back.

You heard a loud bang come from outside and all of a sudden, it turns dark.

Power outage.

And then the world changed               (Markiplier X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum