Chapter 9 And then, everythig changed

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After a couple days you and Mark got use to living with each other. You both woke up every morning and ate breakfast together. You'd occupy yourself while Mark recorded. And after that you guys would just spend time with each other.

"Hey Y/N!" Mark said coming down the stairs. You just look up at him. "I'm going to go out for a little. I'll be back soon!"

"Okay" you have gave him a peck on the cheek and he walked out.


I walked into a jewelry store. What ring would Y/N like?

You were taking a shower when Mark got home. He didn't know you were in the bathroom because he had in ear buds in and he opened the door. Now for a famous YouTuber he did have shitty see three shower curtains and when he walked him you covered your breast and yelled

"GET OUT" and he slammed the door.


You and Mark where chilling on the couch watching horror movies.

"Hey Y/N" you looked up at him. "You want to make a video telling my fans about us?" You smiled and Mark took that as a yes.

Mark and you both say in his recording room and he turned on his camera.

"Hey guys! I would like to introduce you to Y/N! She's been in LA for a while now and is now living with me. And to all you can girls out there im now taken so don't try anything" he laughed. He started talking about live streams and stuff and you just watched Mark. You saw how much he enjoyed making videos and how much he loves each and every one of his fans.

"And that is all for now! Y/N, wanna say the outro with me?" You smiled and on the count of three you both waved and said "bub bye!!" E stopped the recording said it he would be back out in an hour or so.

You were out on the couch when you decided you go onto Marks channel to the comments on the video.

You'd started reading and they were good.

"She's so pretty!"
"Nice on Mark ;)"
"You two are so cute together"

Then you read more.

"What a whore!"
"She's just using you"
"But she's ugly and worthless! Why would you date that?!"

You shut your phone off and throw it on the floor. Mark heard the bang and saw ran out to see your face buried in a pillow.

"Honey what's wrong?!" Mark said running to your side

"I'm not using you!" You yelled at him

"Sweetie" he told your head and buried it in his chest "don't listen to the haters" Mark put you up so you sat on your knees. "Now I have something for you" you cocked your head a little bit. He gets on one knee and takes something out of his pocket. You know what's happening and you start to tear up.

"Y/N" "will you marry me?" Mark smiles

"Oh my god yes!" You wrap your hands around marks neck kissing him.

"I love you so much Y/N" Mark says

"I love you too Mark!"


"Time to get off Wattpad" you turn off laptop. "Only if that fanfiction could've been real life" you give a sigh. "Besides the father part" you turn your phone on and started watching your favourite YouTuber. Markiplier.

And then the world changed               (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now