Chapter Two

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Arriving to Lahore and the Sahani's

Little Bondita by the time the train had arrived in Lahore, had made a beautiful bond with her new family.

She on the train had talked non stop with her "ammi", got pampered endlessly by her "bhaijaan" and had conversations of intelligence with her "abbu". By the time she had arrived there in Lahore, it was as if she had always been a part of their family.

On the station her father's best friend had come to to receive them. Lalaji along with his brother Brij had come to receive their family in everything but blood.

Dr. Baig had already informed them about "Vashma" when inquiries were made to why they were late to arrive from Kolkata.

Little "Vashma" was charming. It wasn't that hard to fall for her. The Sahani's immediately fell in love with her. Amrit had found a sister in her where Kiranbala enamoured with her had also started her quest to education, she had changed Kiranbala's life by making her aspire to be a mathematician,when it became apparent that she was truly gifted in mathematics. Everyone had fallen in love with her but no one had fallen for her as hard as Uday did.

For Uday, "Vashma" had became his center of universe. She encouraged him to study harder. The little soul at the age of ten had fought with Uday's father so he could play hockey, His first serious love.

Betting with him that Uday will play for Punjab and then for the entire country one day. Brij had scoffed at her confidence in her friend. But had given in unable to deny in the face of the little cherub.

Her prediction had come true. And that same year, Uday had been selected for under 13 Punjab hockey team. He had been in the team ever since. Uday's father seeing his prowess in the field since then, had never stopped him from playing hockey again.

In fact, Brij with the suggestion of "Vashma" had brought him his first British branded hockey kit. Uday had been the happiest that day.

The Sahani's life along with the Baig's had changed it's course due to "Vashma". She with her "kutarks" according to Mogar, had been the best thing for their two families. Yes, Vashma had managed to win over even the toughest member of the Sahani's.

Dr. Baig had been worried due to Abrar's non-serious behaviour in his studies. He was getting further away from his education; when Vashma became his reason to study.

The little girl used to make him study with her. It was quite an amusing sight. A 15 year old listening intently to his 9 year old sister who used to hold a stick in her hands to make him scared of her. Unknown to her, everyone else used to find her "Dadi amma Avatar" adorable.

Little by little, Abrar's self determination to be a better version of himself, for his little sister had kicked in and he had fully immersed himself in his studies. It took him a long time as he had failed three times and stayed at the same class. But due to Vashma's encouragement along with her literally pushing him he was now on the way to become a Doctor just like his father.

Even his temper had lessened to a certain degree. Nowadays, it only came out when his sister used to get a new admirer. For him, Vashma was the best thing that had happened to him. He often wonders how much unfortunate was her family, to lose a little cherub like her. But "One's loss is another's gain" as they say.

Vashma's bonding with her mother came in the form of dancing. Zaida had loved dancing but was forced to stop it due to society and her family. But, Vashma had soon discovered her mother's talent. And fought with her to start dancing again. She had talked with her father and made him invite a  "Kathak" master at home and had started practicing on her own. She soon, had won over her mother too and used to practice with her at home much to the delight of the two Baig's. They had faced a lot of taunts for it especially when she had forced her mother to join a dance competition but her arguments had stopped the taunts.

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