Chapter Eleven

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The Dance Competition

Vashma was getting ready to dance in front of the audience. Today her mood was the worst, it could ever be. She just wanted to curl up in the bed and cry about everything that was hurting her.

Her own love uttering such cruel words made her want to die from jumping over a bridge. She never thought that, he would publicly behave that way with her. But today her illusion was broken.

But right now, she had to put on a brave face and dance her heart out; for the reputation of her university was at stake. She couldn't let her university lose their face in this foreign place.

And her mother didn't teach her to give up and cry, when matters go awry.

She was almost ready, when she saw that Anirudh Roy Chowdhury was there in front of her dressing room probably to wish someone.

He caught her gaze and walked to her and Vashma contemplated her reaction to him.

Technically, it was due to him that the fight had happened but he was an innocent bystander in all this. It wasn't his fault that her love was jealous of him.

She had made up her mind to not converse with him ever again but her good manners and them sharing a meal in his home dictated otherwise.

As according to her mother, sharing a meal with someone should make you always be polite with that person no matter what.

Plus, she wanted someone to just tell her that, everything was going to be okay and it not go in vain.

"Bon...I mean Vashma, how are you today?"-Anirudh had unconsciously called her Bondita. He didn't know, why he was keep doing it but he just wanted to hug her and keep her in his arms forever.

This afternoon, she was looking enchanting. Her dress was complementing her figure perfectly and her simple braid that was adorned with white jasmines were giving her a pure look. She was dressed very simply in the matters of jewellery. Only wearing heavy earrings along with a simple long chain and her ghungroos.

Anirudh felt like, he could write a thesis on how breathtaking she looked today. He was never interested in how a girl dresses up but something about her was making him look at her from every angle. It made him go breathless.

"I am fine, Barrister Sahab. How are you?"-she told him as politely as she could, considering the turmoil going in in her mind.

She at that moment felt like wanting to share her every trouble with him so that he can find a solution for it.

It felt weird for her to think that for she had always been the problem solver. She had never seeked anyone's help in any matter as long as she could.

She was the one, who everyone relied on. But today something in her heart made her want to rely on him.

"I am great Vashma (Now that I've seen you)"-he said the last part in his mind as he carefully assessed her facial expressions. She looked worried and very scared.

This wasn't the Vashma, he had come to know and he thought to be her shoulder before the important event of her life.

"Are you okay Vashma? You seem really worried! You can share with me if you want. You know someone once told me that, it gives you relief; when you share your problems."-Vashma contemplated his words and was about to answer him when Amrit came to her.

"Vashma, your dance will start soon. Let's go"-she didn't notice Anirudh in her hurry and quickly took her towards the stage.

Vashma looked back at Anirudh, while being dragged by her friend and saw Anirudh mouthing all the best and raising his thumbs to wish her well for her competition.

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