Chapter Fourteen

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The Engagement and their close moment

"Vashma, have you finished getting ready? It's Amrit's engagement today. So, don't do anything stupid at this day. This goes for everyone, Hmm."-Zaida instructed Vashma and Kiranbala as they both had just excited the room after getting ready in beautiful salwar suits.

Vashma nodded in irritation and tried to make a quick escape as she wanted hear her Uday complement her beauty in secret.

But it looked like her mother had became her biggest roadblock today.

"Ammi, why do you think that, I cause troubles everywhere I go? Don't you see how innocent I am!"-Vashma's ears were twisted by her mother in return and she whimpered in pain.

"Ammi."-she yelled in indignation.

"Chup (Shush). I still haven't forgotten your contribution in Amrit's affair. Vashma, I don't want you to do something like this again. In our society, such things are frowned upon. But forget it all. May Allah bless you dear. You are looking so pretty today. Mashallah."-Vashma smiled at her mother's antics and admired the way she quickly changed the topic due to the arrival of the sweet seller and quickly put a dot of kohl behind her ears to ward off the evil eyes.

Vashma had entered the courtyard where the engagement was going to take place and saw it filled with men of all ages and saw Uday dutifully serving them fresh lassi in large glasses. Under the supervision of his irritated father, who was afraid of him slacking off at his sister's engagement.

Vashma giggled loudly at her love's obedient face in public and left from there in order to avoid being caught by any man.

"Oyye hoye, my Amrit is looking so pretty. Ranjhaan Sahiba, are you planning to kill Randheer sahaab with your beauty tonight? Aww, are you blushing Amru?"-Vashma just in time moved before Amrit tried to hit her lightly in anger over her teasing.

"Amru, I am the future Mami and the favourite person of your future babies. So, behave nicely with me. Otherwise, I won't arrange your godh bharai (Baby shower). Ouch Kiran"-she for the second time yelped in pain as kiranbala shushed her up by twisting her ears.

"Shhh Vashma, lower your voice. Our house is filled with God knows who currently. If anyone heard you, it would become a massacre in here."-Vashma pouted at her and calmed herself, before helping Amrit getting her bangles from the almirah. And helped her to put finishing touches.

"Dada, I think this is the house. Wow, the area is looking so beautiful with so many lights and flowers. I want to stay here forever, Dada."-Anirudh shook his head at his silly brother and quickly took the gift for the to be engaged couple and went inside to greet the couple.

"Randheer, congratulations. I am very happy for you."-he smiled at the kurta clad grinning man and the smile was reciprocated by Randheer.

"Anirudh babu, thank you so much. I am so happy to see you today...."-the talk went on between the two and Randheer eventually introduced him to the others from Sahani and the Baig family.

Uday had seen Anirudh entering the house and was left in a state of dilemma. He didn't want to cause a scene or make his Vashma unhappy at this auspicious occasion, so he put on his best smile and greeted Anirudh with and served him lassi.

Anirudh tried to get rid of the images of Uday's closeness with Bondita in Kolkata and conversed with the boy politely.

Aware of the fact that, he was also once a man indulged in a childhood love.

"Barrister Sahab, Hayye app Yaha (You here)? What are you doing here?"-Vashma asked a stunned Anirudh, who had just taken a sip of the lassi. Her voice had startled him and he nearly spilled out his drink but controlled himself at the last moment.

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