«five: careful»

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He visited again.

He looked at me and smiled widely. "Hi." He said, I looked at him and gave him a small smile, voicing out my reply. "Hello."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, looking at the small space at the side of the room.

"I wanted to see how you're doing." He sighed, sitting at the end of the bed.

"Since when did you care?" I asked scornfully, never once he showed me he cared, never once he told me he did.

"Since the start of the day we met." I froze, registering what he just said.

"But, why have you never told me that before?" I asked looking at him, he closed his mouth looking down.

Just then, something clicked inside my brain, realization. "Or you just started caring because you found out that you were the reason I almost killed myself." I accused, he looked at me dumbfounded.

"You started caring because you were the one who saw my almost death experience!"

"You started caring because you realized how much you'll feel guilty when I'm gone."

I clapped my hands and glared at him. "That's it! You never really cared right from the start, did you, Aid?! You never really gave a shit!" I shouted at him, he stood up, anger evident on his face.

"If I didn't care I would've left you long ago!" He defended, I looked at him in the eyes.

"Like the way you left me before?"

After that sentence he looked at me, I watched as he took in my sorrowful face.

"Lae." He trailed off slowly, he went closer to me and tried to hold my hand.

I flicked it off and pointed at the door. "Leave, Aid." I said in a soft voice, Aid looked at me with hurt.

"Please, Leave like you left me before." He stood up, staring straight at me.

"Leave if you really care about me." With that last words, he stopped his actions and sighed out loud, he went to the door and looked at me one last time.

"Goodbye, Lae." He said with a painful voice. "Goodbye, Aid, never come back." I said, adding the last part quietly.

"Be careful."

That was the last words he spoked, I looked at the foot of the door. 'Be careful' what should I be careful of?

The only thing dangerous here is myself.


The next chapter will explain it all.

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