«eight: getting there»

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It's been three weeks since I've been discharged from that crappy hospital.

I'm currently sitting on a plain grass beside the cliff, enjoying the beautiful scenery and cold breeze, I clutched my cardigan tightly.

I thought back all the things that had happened these past weeks, silently laughing to myself.

I was so stupid, why would I do that to myself? Why am I so stupid?

I'm sick of this, I'm sick of depression, I'm sick of cutting, I'm sick of being sad all the time.

I'm going to get better, I'm going to be happy.

I'm going to make myself feel alive again.

And I don't care if people say otherwise.

I'm going to take back my life.

I'm going to be me.

All my thinking was cut short when a person sat next to me.



*gasping emoji* OMG WHO COULD IT BE?!

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