6: The Final Frontier! Part 3 of 4.

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While Exploring, Shadow, Rouge, and Omega came across some sort of Hidden Panel in the Wall of the Final Egg. Omega Pried it Open, and was instantly hit by bullets. he fought back, keeping Shadow and Rouge Behind him, as more and more wall panels opened up, revealing hidden guns. a Voice then boomed over the P.A. "It Seems that you have Triggered my trap card!  Simple, But it gets the job done!" Robotnik Gloated, Laughing. Suddenly, some doors started to close behind Shadow, Rouge, and Omega. "There's the Emergency doors! Try as hard as you want, but these babies are made of tungsten! Now Run Along, before you become Swiss Cheese!" He said, before the P.A shut off. "There's no time left, We Gotta go!" Rouge Said, Flying off, Shadow Following from behind, and Omega still trying to fight off the guns, while the Doors shut behind them.

Knuckles and Amy heard the Commotion, and Knuckles grabbed Amy out of instinct and tried to dig, but to no avail. Knuckles started to punch the Wall, Trying to escape, as the doors closed in, he broke the wall, and then tried to break the doors, but then, Team Dark Blasted Through. "What's happening?" Knuckles asked. "Long story short, The Doctor is trying to Kill us." Shadow told him. "Good, now let's get through this wall!" Knuckles said, before leading them out of the wall. Omega Carried the other four. as they fell towards Mobius. Robotnik Laughed as he had no signal of either Rouge, Shadow, Amy or Knuckles. "Brilliant! now to take care of those two hedgehogs and that two tailed Fox!

Sonic, Silver, and Tails were going through the hallway, when Tails got a message from Amy On the Miles Electric. "Hurry and Get out of there! Robotnik's planning to kill you three!" Tails Read. "Well, We Just have to break through!" Sonic said, Charging up a Super Peelout, But Silver stopped him. Silver broke the wall, and said, "Come on guys, we gotta escape!" Sonic was reluctant though, and Tried to move on, but the door between him, and silver and Tails was beginning to close. Silver held the Door open with his powers, and Sonic and Tails Said their goodbyes. "Tails, Come with me! We can Beat him together!" Sonic said, Voice Shaking. "Go on Sonic. I've been dependent on you for years. You Get to Robotnik.." Tails said. 

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