Chapter 2

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✨The Planning ✨

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✨The Planning ✨

It's been a few hours since the small meeting with her stepdad and what's-his-face Shiro. Helena decided to take a break from her science work and the small planning she's been doing for her newly acquired mission; to which she is very excited about. She decided for her well deserved break that she would freshen up and relax for a few minutes. Once in the bathroom, she looks at herself in the mirror. The more she looks at herself the more things she finds wrong. Like to name a few her messy almost matted black hair, her tired teal blue eyes, and few little scars that happened more recently. She sighs "I've really let myself go...." She says as she stares at herself. She eventually goes and takes a shower, which honestly was probably the best feeling she had in a while, she even hummed a little bit as she showered. Once refreshed and clean and in some more comfortable clothes, she starts brushing her hair. As she does so she's humming to herself, to which Lilith the joins her. She smiles softly and pets her as she finishes up her hair. She picks up Lilith and takes the fluffy kitty with her to her small and plain bedroom. She lays down in her bed with Lilith reluctantly snuggling up with her.
Helena lays there trying to at least get a little bit of sleep, but her brain had other this in mind. Her mind was racing with past memories of a person she wish she would just forget about. That person being.... Osamu Dazai, this man has haunted her thoughts for years. Ever since he left the mafia she hasn't been the same, she wasn't as happy, she barely smiled, and didn't really go outside of her lab. She sighs at the thought of everything revolving this man. "This man's dumb face is hunting me again....why can't get over him...we weren't even together it was just a dumb crush." She says to herself feeling ashamed for even thinking these things. 'He clearly didn't feel the same, or he would've stayed', 'he never really liked you even as friend, he was just your friendship as a way to distract himself', 'he never even cared' this numerous thoughts swarm her mind every time she thinks on what she could've done to make him stay. The answer is always the same, nothing. There was nothing she could've done, he was always going to leave, it was inevitable. She missed him, more then she'd like to attempt. She hugs Lilith as a sort of comfort, because this little creature is the only thing she has left from him. The thoughts slowly calm down and she slowly able sleep.


   She wakes up early the so she can get a head start on all the planning she has to do for the mission. She decides to talk to her step father about possible strategies to get into their heads and take out the The detective agency. She changes into some normal casual clothes and head to her stepfather's office so they can talk. Which honestly she kinda needed to get out of that lab, staying in there starting to make her more crazy than she already was. She eventually gets to the office and knocks on my door to be polite. "Who is it?" Mori's voice said on the small intercons system right beside the door to his office. She reaches over and presses the button so that way he can hear her speak. "It's your daughter Helena, I wanted to talk to you about some strategies for the upcoming mission that I have to do." She says getting slightly timid after she heard what she said and thinks he will probably say no. "Oh hello sweetie, sure come on in." He says as he unlocks the doors so she can walk in. She opens the door to the office and sees his face. "So sweetie what are you thinking of doing?" He asks as she sits in a chair at the front of his desk. "I was thinking about maybe creating a fake case and then ambush them at the location. What do think?" She asks him with a slightly hopeful smile. " seems like a valuable plan, you just need to elaborate on some things but the base idea is pretty good. I'm looking forward to your success sweetie." He says with a smile that says both 'I'm proud of you ' and 'you better not mess this up' which puts her on edge slightly. "I'll do my best you mind if I stay in her to write the report? " she asks him politely. "Just don't get in the way honey, but it's fine." He says as he gets back to work. She gets up and goes to one of the chairs in front of a wall of windows. Once she gathers all the supplies she begins to write the case report.

- a few hours later-

   She finishes up the report, but she feels like something is missing from all this, and then her thoughts filled up with Dazai again "what is up with me today...god why do I keep thinking of that dumb idiot..." she sighs as an idea pops into her head. She thinks about writing a letter to him so they can meet up "I doubt he would show up...but I hope he does...I need answers." She says to herself as she writes the letter. She soon finishes the letter "short and to the point...I hope he doesn't know it's my letter then he definitely won't show up." She says as she slowly starts to get sad. "Snap out of it." She says shaking her head slightly to snap herself out of this sadness. "What are doing nerd? Writing a letter?" She freezes up when she hears Shiro's voice. "What are doing here?!?" She says a little bit too loud because of how surprised she was when he showed up. " Mori-San said you were here planning the mission and told me to come and add my opinion since I don't know I'm a part of it." He says with attitude and entitlement which ticks her off. "Listen brat, I don't need your damn attitude. If you want to help be my guest, but if you're just going to make comments like that I won't hesitate to kill you where you stand. Got it punk." She says with seriousness and venom leaking from her words to make a point. "Y-yes ma'am...what did you have it mind?" He asked slightly intimidated by her. "Well if you must know, I'm creating a fake case  to lure them into a trap." She says as she hides the letter and then shows the case report. "Wow, how original." He says with a monotonous expression. She side glares at him  "You're on thin ice punk, watch it." She says getting more aggressive/annoyed with him. "R-right, um...I think it's a great idea." He says nervously. "Great! Glad to hear it  now be a dear and mail these won't you ." She says with a devilish smile. He gulps and nervously takes the report and secretly the letter.
  Shiro goes to the closest mail dropbox and then slowly walks back, but he wonders what  Helena was writing. His interest is peaked but also has to be cautious and keep an eye on her just in case. "You're also on thin ice think you can boss me around just you wait." He says as he walks in the night back to headquarters.

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