Chapter 3

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✨The first fight✨ (Longer chapter)

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✨The first fight✨
(Longer chapter)


   Helena awakes with a blanket draped over her and then she notices that she fell asleep in the chair that she was working in. "Looks like you fell asleep in this chair sweetie," Mori-San says with a slight chuckle as he looks down at his stepdaughter. She shoots up blushing with embarrassment "oh I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to fall asleep here I prom-" she begins to apologize but is cut off. "Honey it is alright, I don't balm you. You were working hard on your plan how can I fault you on that?" He says asking a rhetorical question. "True...but why didn't you wake me up when you were leaving the office?" She asked genuinely curious. "You look so peaceful when you sleep...I couldn't dream waking you up, honey." He says being serious but in a gentle way. She doesn't see this side of her father that often so when she does she can't help but smile softly. "Now it's time for you to get ready and eat some breakfast. I'll have the cooks make your favorite." He says as he starts to leave the office. "Wh-what? R-really? Thank you, dad!" She says with the first genuine smile in a long time. This causes Mori-San to smile a little bit as they walk down the halls.

- Meanwhile -

   At the agency, they receive mail as normal. A man with blonde hair, tied in a low low ponytail, wearing glasses looks over the mail. This man's name is Kunikida. He looks through to see if there is anything of interest in the pile of bills and thank you letters from past clients. Once he gets to the bottom of the pile something sticks out to him. There laying separated from the sorted pile was one a thick file holder which upon further inspection it was a case, and two was a peculiar letter addressed to Dazai Osamu. "Weird he hardly gets any peculiar," he says to himself as he gets up to give bills to the boss' assistant, once done with that he hands off the weird letter to Dazai. "What's this for Kunikida?" Dazai asked the blonde as he was given the letter. "I don't know, all I know is it's addressed to you. Who would write to you I haven't got a clue. Now if you'll excuse me I have a case to help assign." Kunikida says as he holds up the case file. "Oh really? What's it about?" Dazai asks Kunikida with his normal smug look. Kunikida opens the file "Oh well it appears that some women named...Helena G. Wells? She had a break-in and all her experiments and research was destroyed." He says giving Dazai a summary of the case. Dazai's face falters slightly but quickly recovers "Oh really? Hmmm...that's unfortunate." He says as he leans back in his chair. Kunikida raises a brow slightly noticing Dazai's slightly off behavior. He makes a mental note of this and then walks away. Once Kunikida walks away Dazai's face drops to a serious one "So, you're back in the field ...I don't know how I feel about that..." he says to himself.
   Kunikida reads through the case notices a few small things wrong with the case report, but nothing major though he made a mental note about it. The then decides who would be the best fit for this mission. He concluded that Rin who is  Shiro's sister and A redhead, green-eyed, pyromaniac named Ray accompany her for protection just in case. Be he wants to protect Rin in the best way without looking suspicious. Because he wants to be a good boyfriend to her. He then gathers the two girls to talk to them about the case. " we have received the case ." Kunikida says as he down on one of the two couches in a break/ meeting nook. The two girls sit on the posing couch as Kunikida places the case file out on the small coffee table in between them. "So what's this case about?" Rin asked looking through the case file. "The case seemed to come from a woman named Helena G. Wells, whose lab was broken into. She says that her research and experiments have been destroyed, she wants some help to figure out who did this and why." He explains to the two girls. "Alright, but why have me go? Rin is capable of doing this on her own..." Ray says as she fidgets with her gloved hands. "Because if anything goes wrong you're there as a safety net of sorts," he says. "Oh, alright then..." Ray says feeling slightly nervous and uneasy about this.  "Alright, so whenever two are ready you can head to the address listed in the file. Please be careful ok darling?" He asked looking at Rin. "We will Kunikida don't worry," Rin says with a slight smile as the two girls get up. He sighs once they leave to get ready "I have a bad feeling about this." He says to himself.

- a few hours later -

  "So, this is your plan? Make a huge mess and play pretend?" Shiro says showing attitude and doubt in Helena's plan. "Can shut your damn mouth for five minutes you little brat," Helena says getting fed up with him. He sighs "sorry for the doubt, but I can't see how a person who writes secret letters." He says crossing his arms. "Who the fuck do you think you are? How about you focus on this mission instead of messing in something you know nothing about." She says grabbing his shirt and then throwing him to the ground than walking away. "Tch, spoiled ass bitch." He mumbles to him as he gets up.
  Soon after the little argument, there was a knock on the door. "Shiro goes hide, And don't come out until I give the single," Helena says glaring at him. "Yeah yeah, boss lady I get it. Geez, lady." He says as he goes to hide. She takes a deep breath in and breaths out to suppress the anger and annoyance she is feeling. She relaxes and puts on her best innocent victim act she could pull out in a short amount of time. She hears the knock again and hurries to the door. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't hear you the first time," Helena says shyly. "Oh don't worry about it," Ray says calmly. "You're Ms. Helena G. Wells, correct?"Rin asked the blue-eyed woman. "Yes, I am...I'm honestly surprised that you took my case. It breaks my heart seeing all my hard work go to waste..." Helena says with genuine sadness. "Don't worry, we'll help you figure all this out." Rays say trying to be positive. "So what exactly happened here?" Rin asked trying to get information. "Honestly, when I got here I knew something was wrong, most likely it was a break-in." Helena calmed down a bit. "It's weird that you say that Ms. Wells. If it was it say a break in the windows would be smashed or there would be more damage on the outside side of the doors." Rin says as she looks around. "As I look around none of the windows are broken and the door looked fine, a bit old but fine." She says as Helena puts her hand in her pocket and grabs something but keeps her hand in her pocket. Helena starts to giggle "you know~ honestly, I was never good at lying." She says giggling more "I just skipped to the fun part~," she says as her maniacal smile grows to one that is psychotic. She then pulls a vile of blue liquid out of her pocket. "Oh, how rude of me to meet my partner, come on out." Shiro walks out with a slight smirk. "Hey sis, it's been a while," he says as Ray and Rin look shocked and get into fighting stances.
   "Awww how cute, a family reunion," Helena says and then downs all of the mysterious blue liquid. "Now let's have some fun with the invisible man~," she says as smiles psychotically then turn invisible. The two girls look around frantically "alright Ray avoid Shiro if  he touches you you'll fall into a dream state." Rin says looking around for Helena as Shiro lunges at the both of them. They both dodge the attack, but then Helena cuts Rin in the side with a knife she's been hiding. "AAAH!! Shit...Quoth the Raven!" Rin says as a flock of ravens appear sand swarm Shiro to keep him distracted as they distance themselves. Helena helps Shiro with the ravens "go get them we need one of them asleep I don't care which. Now go!" She says as she finishes off the ravens. "Tch." That is all he says as he runs after them, Helena not far behind.
   The girls soon find a hiding place in the building "What do we do? " Ray asked trying to think of a plan. "Honestly I don't know. " Rin says also trying to think of a plan. "Come out where ever you are~" Helena giggles slowly going more insane "oh~ we're playing a game?~  how fun." She says in a sickeningly sweet tone dripping with venom. "Stop messing around and find them you dumb bitch." Shiro says. "Say that again sweetie I dare you." She says citing him slightly in the arm. "Ah! Fine." He says. "Pussy." She says as she looks around for the girls. Ray and Rin stay as quiet as they possibly can, but Ray accidentally lends on a create that they're hiding behind, the create creaks. Helena rushes over smiling wildly. "I find you~" she giggles.

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