Chapter 9

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✨Haunting memories✨

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✨Haunting memories✨

The air is always refreshing on nights like these. a Clear sky, shining moon, cool breeze, and peaceful silence. The perfect recipe for some relaxation and time to think.

As Helena walks down the quiet streets she can't help but think of the meeting with Dazai only moments ago. If she's being honest it feels unreal, finally seeing him face to face after so long almost makes her feel genuinely happy for the first time in a while.

As she continues down the lonely peaceful streets her mind begins to wander. She begins to think of the past and how they met, how they became friends and all the adventures they had. She missed the simpler times when they didn't have to worry about it much and could just be young teens like when they first met.

  Her mind wandered to the memory of the first meeting.


  It was a warm summer day and a younger girl was playing and making flower crowns. The girl looked thirteen, with short layered, black hair, and she had bright blue eyes. She sat alone, with no friends there to play with because she didn't have anything.

  Because those beautiful blue eyes were seen as weird, odd, creepy, and hard to look at by some. So, she started wearing brown colored contacts and also she distanced herself from the rest. She thought 'no one can hurt me if there's no one around.'. As she was making a flower crown a pair of shoes stops in front of her. She looks up and sees that it's a boy around the same age as her. "Are you Helena..." he looks at a piece of paper he pulled from his pocket. "Helena G. Wells?" He asked with a questioning tone whether it was toward himself or she was a mystery but decided to answer him. "Yes, I'm Helena who's asking? Did my father send you?" She asked slightly annoyed that she can't even have an hour to herself.

  The male sighed and sat down in front of her " my name is Osamu Dazai, and yes your father did send me. He said it was my first mission to come find out." He said with his usual smile and overly sweet tone. "Ok, cut the crap I already have to deal with a bunch of fakes and I don't need you becoming one." Helena says not buying his act for a second, but looking at him in better lighting...' he is kinda cute...' she thought as she looks at him. His giant smile faded to a slight smile. "So why sneak out to a park just make flower crowns? Surely you can do better." He says with a slight hint of sass in his tone as he picks up the crown she is working on. "Well for your information Bill Nye- " "Dazai,"  he says correcting her. "...are you done?" She asked annoyed. "Yes." He says simply with a mischievous smile. "Well for your information DAZAI I'd rather do something calming with my temporary freedom thank you. So, you can either leave or start making one because I'm not leaving." She says taking back the flower crown and starting working on it again.

  "How do you start one of these things?" He asked looking at her with an expression that she can't recognize because it was unfamiliar to her, but she liked it for some reason. "O-oh ." She says giving him an extra starting kit that was in her bag. "I'm still learning...sorry," she says slightly embarrassed and with the tiniest blush on her cheeks. He chuckles a little bit and takes it "I think I'm smart enough to figure it out, thanks." He says he opens it and starts.

A few minutes go by and a question keeps circling in her head 'why is he staying?' And 'why is he putting up with me?', So she decided to ask her question.  "What did you stay here with me? You probably had better things to do than hang out with a "runaway" girl." She said looking up at the male. He stops what is doing and looks at her "well if I'm being honest here, I really didn't have anything better to do, but you also interested me to an extent of I want to know what is so special about you. Your father kept talking about it vaguely so I want to see." He says being direct for a first but some reason, she's slightly sad by his answer and she doesn't know why. "So you only stuck around to know about my abilities?" She asked with a slightly sad tone as she finishes up her flower crown.

  He pauses for a moment and looks at her "to an extent, yes but I don't know you seem different than some of the other agents, I'm just a bit curious." She says shrugging his shoulders slightly as he starts working on his flower crown again. She blushes slightly, but continues finishing up the crown and puts it on "does it look ok?" She asked him as she adjusts it slightly. He looks up at her and stares at her for a second. "Wow...yours looks way better than mine does ." He says with a slightly amazed face. She giggles a little bit and smiles "let me help you." She says as scoots over to help him.


  She soon arrives at the headquarters and goes straight to her room. She flops onto her bed and snuggles with her cat Lilith. "I wish everything was that simple..... I wish everything was like it used to be...happy and fun." She says to herself and Lilith even though she's a cat and probably doesn't understand, it helps to vent. "Well, Lilith....maybe things can be different...maybe I can be happy..." she says holding up the white cat with a slight smile.


  "So she's meeting up with Dazai?" Mori asks for clarification as he rests his elbows on his desk and folds his hands together. "Yes sir, she was there for hours. To be honest I was getting bored because it was just talking about having her leave." Lewy says as his big grin turns sly. "Impossible my sweet daughter would never leave me this is her home," Mori says as his face turns stern. "Oh prepare yourself boss your little girl isn't what she seems~," Lewy says with the biggest sly grin as he walks away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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