Chapter 5

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 ✨A Plan For Vengeance ✨

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✨A Plan For Vengeance ✨

Helena goes to her room to calm herself down. Once she gets there she looks for her cat Lilith. "Lilith? Come here, girl...Lilith?" She says as she looks around. The slow sinking feeling of loneliness and sadness sneaks in, making things worse. She starts to feel the walls closing in and becoming short of breath. 'He's mad at you, disappointed in you, he thinks you're worthless, disposable, he never even loved you as a daughter. Just. Give. Up. No one will miss you or even care, the only person you cared about left you. This just shows you how people think of you.' A voice in her head tells her as she is having this emotional overload. "St-stop it....stop it...." She says as she grabs the side of her head. 'This is why you're not a working field agent anymore. You mess everything up. Give up already, you'll be doing everyone a favor.' The voice continues. "I SAID STOP IT!!" Helena yells as tears fall on her face. Her voice breaks slightly, sounding desperate and sad. A small meow can be heard from under her bed. She sniffles and wipes some of the tears from her face. "L-Lilith...." She says as she looks in the direction of her bed. A fluffy white kitty pops out and meows. She gets up and hugs Lilith "you're supposed to be my therapy animal..." she says as she lays down on her bed slowly drifting off to sleep.

-next morning-

She wakes up feeling drained and unmotivated, but if she wants to make her dad happy then she has to get up. She changes and tries to collect her thoughts as she gets ready for the day "you've got're going to discuss plans with that bitch ass Shiro...and you're going to impress father." She says to herself as she stares at herself in the mirror.


  Shiro walks to Mori's office. He buzzes the intercom system on the door. "State your name and business," Mori says through the intercom. "Kurayami, Shiro, and I have some information I need to tell you."  He says into the intercom. "Hmmm...fine come in." He says as he presses a button to unlock the door. Shiro sighs in relief and then walks into the office. "Good morning sir-" "Sit. Kurayami, what is it you wanted to tell me? I don't have all day." Mori says interrupting Shiro mid-sentence.  "R-right, um...I think Miss. Wells is working with the agency." Shiro says. "What. Are you doubting my daughter? Do have evidence for your claim Mr. Kurayami" Mori says with slight annoyance. "S-sir, I saw her writing a letter to someone, the day that I and her were working on plans," Shiro says trying to stay strong and calm.  "Hmmm...interesting." He says thinking about it. "Anything else?" Mori asked in a serious tone. "She hid the letter with the case file, sir with all due respect I think we-I mean you should get someone to watch her...just in case," Shiro says to Mori trying to keep his composure. "You might be useful after all," Mori says as he stands from his chair, to which Shiro sighs slightly in relief. "You may go now, this conversation is boring me." He says as he does a shooing motion with his hand. Shiro bows slightly and walks out of the office and once the door closes let's out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. "I can't believe that worked...I thought he would put u more of a fight for her," he says to himself as he walks down the empty hallway.

-Timeskip few hours-

  Helena is working in a library studying up on psychology and different ways to exploit their weaknesses through basic psychology. " finally I found you, what are you even doing in here we're supposed to be making a plan ." Shiro says sassily as he walks over to her table. She rolls her and looks at him " well if you use that little brain of yours, where do people go to plan and study.....a library you fuck head." She says clearly annoyed by him and then continues to read. "You know you're so smart huh? Well, I-" he says but is interrupted. "It's a proven fact hun~ do your fucking research." She says getting more annoyed with him. "Fine whatever, what do you have so far?" He says as he tries to be nice to her, which doesn't work. "Just shut up and read, we're going more psychological." She says as she throws a book at him. He catches it and sits down at the table "so who will we target this time?" He says as he flips through the book he is holding. "Kotori since someone messed that up." She says glaring at the male. "And also the boy toy Kunikida, makes you weak..." she says remembering old memories. Shiro notices this and chooses to make a mental note about it.


  Mori is out on the town for some important business, he has a meeting with a man, a mercenary. He arrives at a secluded area in a park. He looks around and sees an odd site. In a tree, he sees a strange fluffy gray cat. Though that wasn't the strange part, it seems to be smiling. It wasn't normal, it showed its sharp teeth and it seem menacing. It almost makes Him uncomfortable "are you a ...." He says as looking at a piece of paper with a name on it. "Lewis Carroll is it?" He asks as he looks up from the paper to look up at the smiling gray cat. The cat jumps down from the branch, as the cat jumps down and turns into a six-foot-tall man, with light gray which has interesting cyan streaks in his hair, attached were actual cat ears on top of his head, but his smile. The smile on his face is more off-putting. "Yes? But the real question is who are you?" He asks in a British voice as his permanent smile turns smug. "I am Ōgai Mori, and I request your services," Mori says with a straight face. "Oh~? And why should I help you?" Lewis asked with an overly happy tone. Mori shows him the briefcase that he is holding "all the money in this case per week." He says with a straight face. Lewis' cat eats perks up at the sound of this "I'm listening ~" he says with a slightly bigger smile with a hint of mischief behind it. "You're assignment is to watch over my daughter Helena." He says showing a picture of her. "Mmmm quite the looker...why do I have to watch the lady?" Lewis asked. "There been a rumor saying she working double. I'm making sure that's not the case." He says sternly. "Ooooooo juicy ~ I'm in." He says with a menacing smile from ear to ear which isn't hard for him to do. "Also, call me Lewy from now on." He says. "Why call you that?" Mori asked curiously. "Well, aren't you as curious as a cat? It's a cover of course....I have to get into character." He says as he turns back into a cat.

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