Chapter 8

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✨You left me behind ✨

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✨You left me behind ✨

It's been a day since the failed mission and Helena isn't in a better position with her father, if anything it's worse. She got a few bruises and bumps from him because of her failure. She sighs as she walks down the dimly lit street. She looks up at the cloudy night sky and frowns slightly "well this meeting will be interesting..." she mumbles to herself as she reaches the location Dazai told her to go to.

She gets to the roof and sees a taller male silhouette on the other side of the roof near the edge. "Y-you actually came." She said in a whisper, but let enough for him to hear; he froze at her voice. "So you did give me this note...?" he chuckled slightly."It's been a while, Osamu," she said. He smiled softly. "Yes. It has, Helena." He says turning to looks to look at her. " Osamu old friend...if I can even call you that..." she says looking away for him with a sad look on her face.  He looks at her with the same expression. "So why did ask to meet me?" He asked to keep the conversation going. "I have a few questions for you...we'll it's just one, but I needed the answer in person." She's looking down. "Alright what do you want to ask me Helen- I mean Miss Wells.." he says looking at her with an attentive gaze and paying attention to her every move. " can't even say my name anymore....we'll then I know where I stand with you now." She says still keeping her gaze on the ground, she slowly raises her head slightly and looks at him. "Why did you leave?....why did you leave me?...was I not important enough? Was all the time we spent together pointless?....." she asked looking at him in his pure brown eyes as her turquoise eyes filled with tears. Thinking about all the beautiful memories they had together, now turning sour with negative thoughts flooding her mind. While her brain floods he stands there trying to find a response.  He sighs and answers "Helena...I...I just you wouldn't understand." He says looking away from her. "I what?! Wouldn't understand?!? Don't you dare give me that crap! I was there for you whenever you needed a shoulder to cry on, I was there for all the late-night chats, and we were...friends...since we were 10 and 11... To say I wouldn't understand...hurts more than you realize." She says as her eyes continue to tear up as she looks at him with shock and anger. "It's complicated...I wanted to protect you from having to know..." he says honestly to her. "Protect me? No, you didn't protect me YOU LEFT ME!! I thought you were different....turns out you leave me behind like everyone else...." She says as her emotions build up. "Helena-...." He begins to say but is cut off. "No. Don't you Helena me...I fell for that enough times over the years....not again..." she says as the tears begin to fall down her face. "I wanted to take you with me. I wanted to save you from that place!....but I was too weak to do it....your...father had a tight grip on you back I was scared of what would happen to you if I did...I already lost one friend...I couldn't lose you.." he says looking at her his heart beating just a little bit faster.

   Her breath hitches for a second when he says that as her tears flow freely from her eyes "what do you mean lose me? You lost me when you left me there alone... I suffered for years telling myself that I 'wasn't good enough, 'I wasn't enough for you to stay, 'wasn't even your friend, to begin with,'...I tried even forgetting you...but I never could....the ghost of you was stuck to me this whole time haunting me...." She says looking at him with a serious look and tone. "I messed up I realize that now...come with me you can leave that place and I can-I mean we can help you." He says to her. "Please...Stop....just stop...I don't want to get my hopes up...that won't work...." She says with a sigh. "think about it no one there likes me. I'm hated actually for one and two you know I can't's my life that I was born to have." She says looking out towards the city. Her breath hitches for a second as she feels a newfound pressure against her body. "I'll help you get out of deserve to be happy." He says as he holds her in a comforting embrace. She's shocked by the sudden embrace, yet she can't help but except it by reciprocating the embrace. She lets her guard down slightly and all the emotion that she had held exploded. She rests her head on his chest as cries her sadness out and gently rubs her back for comfort. "Why do y-you....c-care much." She says through her tears. He pauses and thinks about the question "in all honesty I can see that you suffering, and I can't just standby and let that happen anymore." He says showing a little bit of how he truly feels. Everything is in peaceful silence as She slowly calms down and thinks about his words. "I'll think about it....but don't expect a yes..." she says being grimly honest. "Well if you need anything give me a call ok?" He says handing her a piece of paper. She gently takes the paper as they step away from each other. "I'll think about it..." she says as she looks at him and then looks at the paper. "We''s getting should probably head back ." He says looking at the starry sky. "Yeah....hey don't die on me ok?" She says with a slight smile on her face. "Heh, only if you do the same, Helena." He says with a slight chuckle and a smile. They smile at each other as they go their separate a smiling cat watching from a distance. "Mori - San won't be pleased." He says with a slight chuckle as lurks in the shadows.

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