Part 8

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Jungkook Pov
I'm surprised Hana has interest in Hobi. Just because they were dance partners for a week they suddenly like each other. He's even picking her up for the party.
"Taehyung. Did you know Hana likes Hobi" I snitched on her
"Really! Wow" He smirked "that was quick" he added.

I don't really know what she sees in Hobi. He's an alright looking guy of course, but she didn't get nervous around him when he had to touch her in the last dance. Yet when I did she got flustered. Her cheeks went bright red when it happened. She's probably embarrassed. I didn't care about touching her though, it's just a dance, it's not like anything sexual is actually going on between us. She has to face the touchy side of dance when it's with me or anyone.

"Does Hobi like her?" Tae asked me
"I think so. He's picking her up for the party at 6:30 tomorrow" I exposed what was happening between them to Taehyung, not that it even mattered.
"Why doesn't she go for someone else that's not my friend" He rolled his eyes

Short JK pov here

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