Part 31

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Monday: Date Night with JK
"Yeah but like... what do you wear to watch a movie" I asked Daisy rummaging through my wardrobe
"Well are you going to the cinema?" She asked
"No. It's at his dorm" I said
"Oh..." I saw her smile in the mirror fade
"What" I laughed
"Dorm is so boring" She shrugged "just wear your sweaters and hoodie, you wanna be comfy" she said and I agreed pulling out a black hoodie and my black sweater bottoms out of my wardrobe putting it on. Jungkook told me to get there at 6pm which was five minutes away.
"Ok. Have fun. Not to much fun" Daisy said as I was opening the door
"I will. I'll be back later, bye!" I said closing the door behind me walking to his dorm. On my way to his dorm I saw Jimin with a bag of snacks in his bag.
"Hey Hana where you off to?" He stopped to talk to me quickly
"Jungkooks. You?" I asked him
"I was going to yours actually. But I gotta get there quick so I'll see you later" He said rushing off and I said bye to him.

I knocked on Jungkooks door and he opened it kissing me and letting me in. I wonder where Tae went out to. Jungkook had made us snacks in bowls to watch the film. We both laid on his bed and agreed to watch Iron Man.

"Fuck I haven't showered" He said
"You can't shower now! We're half way through the movie" I sighed
"I'll be back in two minutes" he kissed my lips jumping off the bed closing the bathroom door. I heard as he got in the shower and I paused the film waiting for him and I sat on my phone scrolling through Instagram. I heard Jungkooks phone constantly buzz next to me, his phone being spammed. It got to the point where it was annoying so I picked up his phone to see who was messaging him. Maria? Who the fuck is Maria? I clicked on the message which opened his phone, I read her messages.
Maria - When can we see each other again baby
Maria - This weekend was fun
Maria - I want you so badly Jungkook come over
What the fuck was I reading. What. No, what he fuck has been going on! Who is this girl? I scrolled up through their messages further to see Jungkook entertaining her as well.
Maria - Your not seeing anyone are you
Jungkook - Only you ;)
Maria - Meet me now. I need you now
Jungkook - Coming as fast as I can

Fuck no. The messages just got worse as I scrolled up, I felt as my eyes started to fill up with tears, I threw his phone back on the bed and began to cry. What the fuck do I do. Do I confront him? How do I confront him. I saw the bathroom door open and he came out shaking his wet hair with a towel. I stood up off the bed
"What's wrong... why are you crying" He walked over to me giving him a hug but I pushed him away wiping my tears.
"Who... who the fuck is Maria" I asked him and his face looked almost in shock
"What. I dunno" he shrugged
"Don't even lie to me Jungkook. I saw the messages. She's been spamming you for the past half an hour!" I yelled at him and he grabbed his hoodie pulling it over him
"Have you been cheating on me?" I asked him
"What no! I told you I loved you Hana don't be ridiculous" He yelled at me back
"That doesn't mean that you meant it!" I yelled grabbing my phone and going to leave but he grabbed my wrist to stop me, we both stood in silence.

"That's why you didn't answer my messages, because you were two busy fucking this Maria" I turned to face him.
"That's not true" He said
"Are you calling me a liar?" I squinted my eyes at him looking disgusted. "You told me you loved me" I said
"And I do" He pleaded
"I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth" I shook my arm out of his grip and leaving him in his room alone. I made my way back to my dorm trying not to cry but I couldn't help it. How can he do something like this to me. I really thought he would be perfect.

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