Part 32

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Note - Hey guys, just to make my page seem a little less boring I have a short story that I'm writing called 'Forced Marriage' featuring Taehyung!

Also guys I wanna know ur opinions on the story so please leave comments :)

I opened the door to see Daisy laying in Jimins arms watching a film, I walked in closing the door behind me trying to hide my tears. I feel so bad now because im going to ruin their night.

"Hana are you ok?" Jimin asked lifting his head up
"Yeah..." I say going to lay on my bed and going straight on my phone
"I thought you were staying at Jungkook's tonight" Daisy asked me. I stayed quiet knowing that if I spoke anymore I would just break out into tears again.
"Hana... Hana what's happened" Jimin gets off of Daisy's bed and comes over to mine kneeling down.
"He uh. He cheated on me" I looked at him
"He did what!" Daisy got up off her bed walking over to me "are you being serious?" She asked and I nodded
"Oh no no! No way! What room number is he" Daisy said looking as if she was about to rage walking over to the door
"Babe...babe stop" Jimin said calmly looking over at her
"No! This dickhead has gone and cheated on my best friend with some whore!" She yelled

Daisy was furious. She was livid. Jimin tried to calm her down. I didn't want her to go to Jungkook's dorm, not today, it's to much drama I've already got this on my plate and I don't need to be stressing about Daisy fighting Jungkook. I ended up sitting on the floor with them both, eating popcorn and they tried to cheer me up.

"How do you know" Jimin asked me
"He went to get in the shower, and his phone was constantly buzzing next to me so I checked it and it was her" I explained
"Who even is this bitch" Daisy threw her hands up
"Her name is Maria" I said "god I wish I never went through his phone" I buried my hands in my head
"No no. It's good you did, because you could've been cheated on for months which would make you look like an idiot!" Daisy protested. She was still mad at the whole situation though Jimin was quietly telling her to calm down.

I know we wasn't properly dating, but he still said he loved me. He said he loved me, and he goes and cheats with some Maria who I've never even heard of. Tomorrow I'm gonna go to him and question him, I'm also telling him that were both completely finished, how can I be with a man who's gonna cheat on me. I cant go back to the way it was after that. I wonder if Tae will be happy?

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