Part 9

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Hana Pov
It was finally the party day and I was trying to find a decent outfit to wear. I rummaged through my things. Why didn't I pack anything nice or decent party wear. I picked out my black jeans and a brown slightly cropped shirt which exposed a bit of my stomach.
"Your outfit! Hobi will love it" Daisy said looking at me from the mirror as she straightened her hair
"Do you think?"
"Mhm. He will" She said

The door then knocked. Fuck he's here. I opened the door to see Hobi standing there, wearing oversized jeans with with hair fluffed and a jumper.
"Hi... are you ready?" He asked leaning on the door frame
"Yeah I just gotta get my jacket" I walked over to Daisy grabbing my jacket that was next to her
"Omg why does he actually look fine" she whispered and I hit her.
"Bye see you there" I said to her closing the door behind me.

Hobi drove me and him to this party. We spoke a lot on the way. We pulled up to the house that was packed with people, doing drugs, vaping and even kissing. I thought the films of uni parties were just fakes, it's all actually real. We walked inside next to each other and by the kitchen counter was Taehyung and Jungkook and some of their other friends.
"Hi guys" He said
"Hi!" Taehyung took a sip of his drink. Me and Hobi stood close next to each other leaning on the counter talking to the others. Until Jungkook came over squishing between us both. Separating us.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened yesterday?" He whispered in my ear
"Not really" I said
"Just don't want to" I shrugged as I took a sip of my drink that Hobi had poured me. Taehyung then walked over to me grabbing my wrist pushing me away from everyone else so it was just us both alone
"When we're you gonna tell me about Hobi?" He questioned me
"Nothings even going on. He just picked me up that's all" I say
"Do you like him?" He asked me
"A bit... is that a problem?"
"Nope" he said walking away from me.

Finally. Daisy had shown up. She came up and hugged me. Surprisingly, Taehyung decided to introduce me and Daisy to the boys they had made friends with.
"So... this is Jimin, Joon, Yoongi and Jin" He pointed at each of them "and obviously you know Hobi" He added. Daisy kept staring at one of the boys. Jo... no Jimin. She probably fancied him as well.
"Fancy Jimin?" I whispered to her
"How did you know?" She gasped
"You haven't taken your eyes off of him" I laughed at her.

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