Part 14

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We both walked around the town, stopping at some food stalls to grab lunch and have a walk around. Being with Jungkook wasn't so bad, we're just friends so it's normal.
"You and Hobi then?" He asked looking down at me whilst he had his hands in his pockets
"Yeah..." I said
"How's that going?" He asked
"Nothings really going. Just friends" I Said and he looked down to smile
"What?" I laughed
"Nothing" He shrugged

I heard Jungkooks phone go off and he reached out of his pocket to read his message. He began to walk slower
"Oh. There's like a mini party thing with drinks and games tonight. Just like our group" He said reading from his phone
"Taehyung said you and Daisy can come if you want" He said putting his phone in his pocket.
"Ok yeah Daisy will wanna go for sure" I say
"Why?" He asked
"Don't say anything she has a crush on Jimin" I told him and he started laughing
"Jimin likes her to" He laughed
After a nice afternoon with Jungkook, me and Daisy got dressed, not to dressed up, but to go to Jin's for this games and drinks thing.
"Ok how do I look" Daisy said as I was about to knock on the door
"You look nice, and remember, don't try to hard" I whispered to her and with that Jin opened the door and greeted us inside where all the boys were already drinking, there was only around four other girls in there as well that I'd seen around the campus.

"Finally! You guys are an hour late" Namjoon yelled
"It was Daisy. She was taking to long" I said and she nervously laughed whilst Jimin was looking at her. She's acting all innocent and nervous now, that's not what she was like on Friday.
As the night progressed we all started to get a bit tipsy which led us up to playing a few drinking games.
"Wait wait. New game. Truth or dare" Hobi said leaning back on the couch man spreading. Hobi looked so fine tonight.
"Truth or dare is so boring!" One of the girls said
"Not how we play" Yoongi smirked. And everyone gathered round into a circle, some of us sitting on the couch. Jimin moved from the couch to sit next to Daisy, Daisy put her hands behind her leaning on them, and I saw out the corner of my eye I saw Jimins hand move over on top of hers.

"Ok ok Tae truth or dare" Jungkook asked Tae.
"Truth" He answered
"Is it true you lost your virginity when you were sixteen" He asked him and he laughed. If that is true! Omg. I kept my eyes on Tae waiting for him to answer
"Yes" He answered and I gasped "Don't tell mom" he pointed at me and I was sat there in shock. I wouldn't tell my mom I think she would be disgusted.

We played loads of rounds, involving kissing and other stuff.
"Ok ok. Hobi truth or dare" Jin asked him
"Dare" he said
"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room" He dared him. No! Hobi laughed and looked over at me. He walked over towards me crouching down to me where his face was now levelled with mine. NOO! Not with Tae here! And with that he kissed me, just a small peck on the lips, pulling away he smiled at me and went back to his seat.
"Wowowowowow!!! Didn't see that one coming" Namjoon clapped 

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